Amazing ice formations on my car

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Yesterday morning we had a very hard frost. My wife gets to keep her sports car in the garage, so mine lives on the street and I braced myself for a hard session of ice scraping. As indeed it was. But before I scraped all the ice off, I felt the need to photograph it....

General view of the car's windscreen:

On the roof:

Some close-ups of the front windscreen and side windows:




Isnt nature amazing!
Amazing shots!

I have a couple of cars sitting on the drive and the frost just keeps building up on them, I really should go and take some photos because the patterns are amazing :)
Thanks folks, though I can't really take any credit for doing anything other than noticing it and grabbing the camera...

Can anyone shed any light on how/why these things form? This morning we had an even harder frost (minus 7), but the ice on the car was a pretty uniform sheet without any noticeable patterns to it.
as far as i remember it's to do with frost, a harder frost (lower temperature) means it freezes quicker so is more uniform, the warmer it is the slower the freezing effect so it's bascially flowing around in it's half crystalline form creating patterns..

that was a pretty turd explanation but hope it helps somewhat
The wonders of Nature, art in its' truest form; very well captures.

I think what you've witnessed is called Dendrite, but I may be wrong.
A simple but wonderful set Stewart...#4's a bit special.

Wow they are amazing. I love the leaf on the roof, really good that one!
Wow! nature is amazing isn't it!
Love these :)

I bet if you asked most of us what they were we'd have struggled.

Branches, feathers..... amazing how the same constructs appear in nature.

Would make a really good fine art print actually :)
Great set of shots, certainly wouldn't look out of place as abstracts.
Jack frost still lives!! ... I haven't seen him for so many years, just don't get a good frost down here.

I know ice starts forming around a spec of dirt first, the first ice crystal is formed off a facet on the dirt, so like the shape of the ice is triggered by the dirt’s facets shapes.

I know each snow flake is different because all dust has a different trigger facet, or facets, so the snow flake crystals will be different shapes..
That ice is amazing.
Could have been spectacular had you put some lighting behind it.
just had a look on my car , sadly nothing like that ,,, great shots ... merry xmas ..
awesome stuff, wish mine had done that. All I get is a uniform covering of boring ice.
you manage to capture the delicacy of that so well. I tried to get some of the frost on my car but breathed on it and it melted!:bonk:
Amazing, you just dont know what nature will through at you.
... a harder frost (lower temperature) means it freezes quicker so is more uniform, the warmer it is the slower the freezing effect so it's bascially flowing around in it's half crystalline form creating patterns..
I think you're basically right. It was a hard frost that night, but all that means is that the temperature ended up pretty low. The temperature might (and based on the evidence, did) drop through the critical range quite slowly.

I think what you've witnessed is called Dendrite, but I may be wrong.
I think you're right.
Fantastic Captures I Really Like No.1 And No.4 Very Sharp And Crisp And Great colours Very Well Done

Thanks to everyone who commented, and especially those who praised the image of the leaf on the roof.

I had decided to enter one of these in this week's competition at Maidenhead Camera Club. I would have submitted one of the "dendrite" pictures, but the response to the leaf picture made me think that might be a better bet.

And I'm glad I did. I scored my first ever "maximum" 20/20.

Now I think I'll put one of the dendrite pictures into the next B&W print competition. Any suggestions which one?
:eek: fossil like.