Amur Leopard Cub

Peter Rushworth
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Marwell Zoological Park has a new star, she was born last November.




fantastic news they are having success with these in captivity!! planet earth was my first taste of them, so saddening to hear there is only an estimated 30 or so left :( great shots!
Very cute, some good shooting there...

fantastic news they are having success with these in captivity!! planet earth was my first taste of them, so saddening to hear there is only an estimated 30 or so left :( great shots!

That's in the wild, I think they now have a couple of hundred in captivity. The idea for the breeding program is to re-introduce them back into their native habitat, eventually.

Nice cat shots (y)
Its a shame that "mesh" always "gets in the way" of these though

number 1 the peice of wood looks as sharp as the cat if not sharper.
I would be inclined to either blur it or crop it out altogether
and the focal point seems a tad low were you using "multi point focus?
Single point is better if you were and aim for the eyes (y)
Thanks for your comments guy's...Ian great shot of the snow leopard cub...Cobra, I was really struggling to capture her, really just beyond the range of the 300 + TC, correct about the multipoint, was struggling abit with single point to get a good shot (need more practice) so to get the shot reverted back :bonk: at least I'll have more opportunities to get better as Marwell just down the road.
Try setting your largest aperture (smallest number) in Aperture priority mode, get as close to the fence as you physically can, with the cat (could be anything really :)) a good distance (front and back) from the fences, zoom in as close as possible, it should make losing the fence a little easier, as the large aperture gives a shallow depth of field :) watch the backgrounds for anything obviously man made also
Thanks for the tips Ian, I'll give that a try next time, weather doesn't look too good for this weekend :crying:
They are great shots! Lovely thing! :love:
Thank you for your comments, plan to go back and see if I can get some better shots.....hampered by the wire fences