An hour in the undergrowth

simon ess

Just call me Roxanne.
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Spent a pleasant hour or so crawling through the undergrowth in my favourite buggy place. Hope you like the results.

Thanks for looking. C+C welcome. (y)
Lovely series of shots Simon. Particularly like the burnette moth shots.
Lovely set, and good bit of hunting
They are all fabulous shots - really like the Burnett and Skipper shots.

Lovely series of shots Simon. Particularly like the burnette moth shots.

Lovely set, and good bit of hunting

Great Set Simon - Lovely bright clean backgrounds and good mixed bag

Great set Simon, i see you have got down low (y) if your like me i bet you spent the next half hour tending to the bites on your arms ;)

I seem to be one of those lucky people who don't suffer from insect bites. The occasional nip maybe, but nothing really. I put it down to long summers in the Med. when I was a kid. I built up a resistance to mosquitos etc.

Thanks for all your kind comments.
Hi Simon,

What setup were you using? flash lens etc? did you have a raynox?

Ive been attempting macro on my D90 with 105mm micro lens and not gettin very good results when compared with yours, however i have no flash..
Thanks very nuch for all your kind comments.

Hi Simon,

What setup were you using? flash lens etc? did you have a raynox?

Ive been attempting macro on my D90 with 105mm micro lens and not gettin very good results when compared with yours, however i have no flash..

These were with Nikon D90 and Sigma 150mm macro, so very similar to yours. No tubes or attachments.
I used an SB 600 flash on camera with a lumiquest softbox difuser.

For now, try cobbling together a difuser for your onboard flash, just to give you an idea of how flash helps.

Click on the images to go to flickr when you can view the exif data for settings.

brilliant photos simon
well done
all the best