An Independent Scotland?

That's been my position for the last 35 years....

Fair enough. I guess that's where we differ. My priority has been and always will be what is in the best interests of my family. Family before country that's me. If that makes me wrong then I don't really want to be right.

So if I had a vote, I would always vote for what I felt gave my family the best outcome in the future. And on that the case for independence is at best flimsy if not wishful thinking.

If you just want an independent country at any cost then that of course is your prerogative.

One things for sure. Next week will be incredibly exciting.
lets be honest here, it's the Yes that want it to change, and to present a case for that. It's the No's task to present reasons why the electorate shouldn't.

That's my feeling.

I have a vote and I'm not hampered by having a blinkered, biased view.

If Yes were to convince me that it made sense - then I'd gladly vote Yes.

If they don't then I'll vote NO

So far they haven't.
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Some Dude on the news last night was saying he has already posted his 'yes' vote and is regretting it. He thinks he's made a big mistake !

He has, IMHO. My work, along with a lot of others, has announced plans to HQ south of the border, the long term hope for our jobs isn't as hopeful. I pray for a no vote. I am British and do not want be British in iScotland but british in the north of britain
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Fair enough. I guess that's where we differ. My priority has been and always will be what is in the best interests of my family. Family before country that's me. If that makes me wrong then I don't really want to be right.

So if I had a vote, I would always vote for what I felt gave my family the best outcome in the future. And on that the case for independence is at best flimsy if not wishful thinking.

If you just want an independent country at any cost then that of course is your prerogative.

One things for sure. Next week will be incredibly exciting.

Incredible and exciting are not two words I would choose, perhaps frustrating and tedious !
That's my feeling.

I have a vote and I'm not hampered by having a blinkered, biased view.

If Yes were to convince me that it made sense - then I'd gladly vote Yes.

If they don't then I'll vote NO

So far they haven't.

That said Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon are performing in my local tonight so I'll see what they have to say.
Some Dude on the news last night was saying he has already posted his 'yes' vote and is regretting it. He thinks he's made a big mistake !

A guy on the news from Feltar has already said he regrets voting no but that's what happens with some postal votes.
Ladies....I've posted this before, however I feel there is a need to do it again. What people are missing out when they talk about a currency union is to state what type it is.

Sure to most normal people it would be interpreted as one where there is a formal agreement and a common financial/tax policy. That would really not be good for the UK, nor for an independent Scotland if it happens since there is no independence.

However technical there is also the correct concept of an informal currency union. To any normal people that would be defined as another country can choose to use someone else's currency, however they wouldn't have any control over that currency. There is nothing wrong with that for the UK, however for a possible independent Scotland it doesn't mean they will be independent. however psychologically it could be presented as a win as they could argue that they have currency union....

I really feel that the yes camp is being played here, and that the phraseology is being used on purpose to wind up the rUK. And regardless the outcome the Yes camp can claim it as a win ;) Cleverly played, and yet again the Better Together camp is pretty poor at explaining this.

To me only a formal with common policy credit union is a bad thing for rUK. Oddly all of them are bad for iScotland and none make them independent. But great piece of politics.
Indeed rash decision,I think seriously if people don't know which way to go by now they never will. It's the last weekend to reflect and think.I think when it comes up to the wire, people will bottle it and vote 'no' just to play safe.
That said Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon are performing in my local tonight so I'll see what they have to say.
Oh the thought of those two together. Yuk. May a recommend some clubs in Amsterdam with some pretty people in them?
That said Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon are performing in my local tonight

From my part fo the South, performing sounds like they are going to have a rutting session. Not something I'd want to even think about. Maybe Hugh can make it a threesome?

You have to admire them though, making arrangements for a new caeer when they become unemployed.
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It seems today that the SNP wish to nationalise BP and the Banks bet that will go down well
One big socialistic experiment....yippee many have been there before and every single one ends up in tears or in a dictatorship...But hey all good as long as it isn't westminster and the tories..right?
It is like the movie Doomsday but live ;)
The Treasury said he was a lying toe rag or words to that effect, seems not in this case.
Sorry but do you really find it a surprise that large global companies will relocate and make contingency plans? It is childish and underhand not to inform the yes camp of such events as they seem oblivious to it. Best intentions and all that....
Here's more of what we have to look forward. The politics of spite and envy.

There's not one fact posted there. Just lots of old dinosaur pre Thatcher labour socialism. We know how well that worked.

Companies don't have to do business here. They'll just leave. Completely if the emvironment isn't conducive to do business and that'll mean lots of private sector jobs, you know the ones that actually pay into the pot, are gone.
I now actually think it will be a no. The tide is turning, many people had their little bit of fun. Reality will kick in and common sense will prevail.
Sorry but do you really find it a surprise that large global companies will relocate and make contingency plans? It is childish and underhand not to inform the yes camp of such events as they seem oblivious to it. Best intentions and all that....
Not a surprise at all, but it's not the contingency planning that's the issue here, is it?
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Now you're being silly Bob, there won't be any. They will have used there heads !
You're being sleekit, The report I read on sky news quoted one who voted yes, but wished he'd voted no, but there were more who wished the opposite.
Appears it's not just us who utilise the reporting of selective facts!
SNP want independence and want to be in the EU where no one has independence, or anything remotely like it. Therefore, I can only conclude that the independence the SNP want is independence from England. Sounds nasty to me.
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SNP want independence and want to be in the EU where no one has independence, or anything remotely like it. Therefore, I can only conclude that the independence the SNP want is independence from England. Sounds nasty to me.

It is just the tired old dreged up bitter old sour grapes over things that happened decades ago. A country with a lot of people that forget nothing, but learn nothing either given by the yes campaigns inability to face the truth but dismiss facts simply as nonsense and scaremongering.
SNP want independence and want to be in the EU where no one has independence, or anything remotely like it. Therefore, I can only conclude that the independence the SNP want is independence from England. Sounds nasty to me.
And how is this post helpful to anything?
Not a surprise at all, but it's not the contingency planning that's the issue here, is it?

No the issue is that the yes campaign wish to hide any down sides as scaremongering facts are just that facts even if yes does not like them

BBC radio 4 few mins ago SNP suggest 2 years notice of redundancy what an idiotic idea is that designed to scare business out of Scotland

Any yes voter who thinks that a yes vote will be a friendly divorce should think again the odds are stacked against it

What if the No voters pull up sticks in Scotland and move south during the transition period how would Scotland fill the jobs left

My concern of a No vote now is that the Yes voters will be a drag on progress going forward maybe in event of a no vote the yes folk could be given a small plot of land and let them get on with their ideals

Until the referendum i had the greatest respect of the Scottish and Scotland the sound bites from yes have soured that and a couple of weeks ago i visited Forfar for a week and for the first time in my life it felt like i had gone abroad i enjoyed the place however listening to a few it amazes me they think you will keep all the benefits after the divorce i have always been 100% stay now 51% go if you can not abide being in the union which in ay event is a laugh considering the EU