An Ullswater Pier Sunset, Lake District

Edit My Images
Went up to the lakes last sunday and took this view of the pier.

Thoughts and critique always welcome.



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Cracking shot andy ! ive tried a few landscape shots myself but what ever i try i never seem to get the results you have here . if you dont mind me asking what settings and processing you have done ?
Nicely done Andy

The horizon bisecting the image works for me in this one because of the equally strong interest in each half of the image.

And the pier leads the eye nicely into the sunset

Very nicely done!
Hi Gavin,
In reply to you question:

This was shot at 11mm F/11 at ISO 100, I think the exposure time was approximately 5 secs.

Filters used: 0.9 ND 3 stop filter + 0.6 ND grad - 2 stop grad filter.

Post processing, curves and saturation, shadows and highlights + USM.


Hi Gavin,
In reply to you question:

This was shot at 11mm F/11 at ISO 100, I think the exposure time was approximately 5 secs.

Filters used: 0.9 ND 3 stop filter + 0.6 ND grad - 2 stop grad filter.

Post processing, curves and saturation, shadows and highlights + USM.



Cheers for that Andy , looks like il be getting some ND grad filters !
A very nice picture well taken, but it all looks a little too magenta for my tastes. I hope you don’t mind but I thought I would see how it could look with a slight colour adjustment to remove some of the red cast.

Very subtle the adjustment :) perhaps its time ti calibrate the monitor :)

No worries! much appreciated.
Great image, but having seen the edit, I think that it would look better with more blue on the water (as above) :shrug: - it just adds another dimension to the image, IMO.

It looks like just one exposure - you did well to manage the dynamic range in that scene (y).
I agree about the colour cast, most likely from your ND filter, I'd try adjsuting the colours to make the clouds a little more realistic