An unusual Flashgun request

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I need a flashgun, nothing to unusual there of course. However, I don't need one for my camera....

I'm trying to build a speed camera. Don't worry, I'm not looking at worrying motorists, this is for a child's car themed bedroom.

What I need is a flash unit which is:

a) very cheap - second hand off ebay, bargain basement level
b) is battery powered (nothing to unusual there of course)
c) Can be remotely triggered (this is where I'm struggling!). Ideally something which can be fired by pushing a button attached to the base of the speed camera - I'm not sure how possible this is so I'm open to suggestion.
d) one that goes on 'standby' or low power mode when not in use. I really don't want to be dismantling the box to turn it on each time, nor do I want to have to change the batteries on a daily basis

I know this is a weird request, but if any of you guys can help I'd really appreciate it!
Any flash can be fired with a push button wired to the two contacts on the hot shoe, or even easier, connected to the pc sync cable on an older, all manual flash.

I have lots of old flashes I will never use. If you would like one, send me your address by private message and I will post one to you, I could even connect a pushbutton switch via a short length of cable to it if that would help.

However, nothing I have will go into standby mode. It would be very easy though to wire in an additional power switch which you could fit to the back of the box.

Wow. What an amazing response! Not what I expected at all. I really appreciate your help, and I'll certainly take you up on that offer! Many many thanks!

PMing my address now.

One last question - have you got some pointers on how to wire in a power switch - I wouldn't know where to start!
I will do that as well.

I will sort out a flash this weekend and take it into work on Monday to modify it. It will have two wires coming out of it. One will have a push button on it to fire the flash and the other one will have a toggle switch to turn it on and off.

All you will need to do is mount it in a way that you can still change the batteries and provide a couple of holes for the switches.

The people on this forum just keep getting better and better. Well done Steve, that's a really nice gesture.
What a fine chap, well done Steve.
The people on this forum just keep getting better and better. Well done Steve, that's a really nice gesture.

+1. Sometimes, when I've lost faith in humanity, something like this happens that restores it (y)
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Be interested to see how this looks in the end - sounds very interesting!!

Nice one Steve :)
:plus1: This is what makes TP the best place on the web for photography. It is truly an online community. I remember another thread recently where somebody in another country helped track down a magazine for a fellow member.
Hi all, it was waiting for me last night. All I can say is "wow". I know you made this sound relatively easy/trivial, but I'd never have been able to create something like that. My effort would have been substantially more 'bodged'!

The camera is almost complete, and I'll certainly share the end result with you all!

Thanks again Steve!
Some photos as promised:

Racing car bedroom:,ewYptcv,tcrrYnC#1

Speed Camera Closeup:,ewYptcv,tcrrYnC#0

The Stig:,ewYptcv,tcrrYnC#2

The Camera Flash in action:>&s=8#.Ux4p_Pl_tio

View from the foot of the bed:>&s=8#.Ux4rj_l_tio

Many thanks again to Steve for the help with the flash. It's quite difficult to video the flash working, but it looks really impressive live - so realistic it actually send shivers down my spine whenever it fires!
Thanks, they boys were very pleased as you can imagine.

Steve is not only very helpful, but is also very generous and has refused payment for the flashgun and the work he's done. In an effort to repay the niceties this forum has shown me I've made a donation to the latest post in the TP Charitable Thread. What an excellent forum, thanks for the help and support.
Just read the latest on this and love the idea, I can see why your boys love it.

I would also like to d'oth my cap to both the OP and Steve, firstly Steve for his initial generosity and secondly the OP who firstly offered to compensate Steve for his kindness and even when refused (a point where many would have stopped) decided to donate to charity instead.

The award for Gentlmenly conducts goes to..... You both :clap:
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firstly Steve for his initial generosity and secondly the OP who firstly offered to compensate Steve for his kindness and even when refused (a point where many would have stopped) decided to donate to charity instead.

Just to be clear, I have received payment to cover postage only. I have a lot of stuff here which I will never use - a lot of it was given to me so I see no need to profit from it.
