Anna - Jazz singer

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I like her and her voice very much. She also has a good look. She will soon record an album and wanted som images and perhaps include them.

I imagined her shot at low point, like she was on a stage, and alos lit the scen with that in mind.

Here are two of the images.


Brilliant images, I personally love #2! The smokey atmosphere makes the image for me and I think the B+W conversion finishes it off nicely, got such a strong feel to it :)
Both utterly superb..What more can I say really No.2 would make a cracking CD cover picture...Very, very, well done(y)
Again you have showed us how it should be done. The jazz club atmosphere comes right of the page. Beautiful pictures.
great atmosphere in both, perhaps prefer #1 as her face is rather dark in #2 but anyway two great images.
Both great shots. Number 1 has the slight edge but only for subjective reasons. I think the colours are possibly the reason I prefer it. Excellent.
2 is just fantastic. very film noir. number is great as well, but 2 just nails it for me. awesome work.
Couple of good shots, but for me personally #1 need to be a little sharper and a touch more contrast. Not a huge fan of B&W but this one works very well .
beautiful shots, nice atmosphere, nice lighting captured.
love the atmosphere of no.2, but the pose in no.1 is much better imo. great shots either way!