Another waterside sunset

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Took this with my pocket Olympus on our holiday the other week.
It reminded me of the old days when I met my wife - and I was just starting out photography.. and every evening we had to stay out on some hill/field/beach.. and me taking pictures of sunsets :)
Haven't done this for a while - but somehow this just felt a little different? And looking at it makes me smile...


And sure is a world away from my usual fast paced basketball photography.

Always nice to hear what others think - so feel free to add some comments...
Love the golden light through the water, works really well and an interesting composition. Feels like it needs the horizon straightening though although I'm not sure (I think it's the angle of the slats and perhaps just my OCD)!
Love the golden light through the water, works really well and an interesting composition. Feels like it needs the horizon straightening though although I'm not sure (I think it's the angle of the slats and perhaps just my OCD)!

To be honest - the horizon does bother me as well.. I tried to straighten it to the slats.. and then the horizon looked wonky... this one is now more straightened on the horizon ... but you are right, it doesn't look straight to me either..
Thanks for taking the time to comment :)
I hope you don't mind - I've had a quick go to see if I could straighten it:

GooGaBoo - Another waterside sunset - edit by Simon Lundbeck, on Flickr

All I've done is used the horizonal transform tool in Lightroom (+17 setting) and then content-aware fill in Photoshop to fill in the gaps. You could do a lot better with the original and more time - the fill certainly needs more work, but this is just a quick edit to give you the idea :)
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Very nice shot Sir, liking this one very much.(y)

I hope you don't mind - I've had a quick go to see if I could straighten it:

GooGaBoo - Another waterside sunset - edit by Simon Lundbeck, on Flickr

All I've done is used the horizonal transform tool in Lightroom (+17 setting) and then content-aware fill in Photoshop to fill in the gaps. You could do a lot better with the original and more time - the fill certainly needs more work, but this is just a quick edit to give you the idea :)

Don't mind at all - and it does look more level now - never knew horizons were so difficult to get level :)
And as you say - with time you could edit this to your hearts content ...