Any Campers Here

I've got the Vango Banshee 300, as Duncan said it's a great little tent, fits me and the lab perfectly. My 6D and 70-200mm weigh more than it :) I'm looking to add a taller tent soon, would like to stand up in the tent if it's pouring down, or even just put my chair inside. But then buying a bigger tent means you can buy more stuff, soon I'll have to get a bigger car to fit everything in :)
I've got the Vango Banshee 300, as Duncan said it's a great little tent, fits me and the lab perfectly. My 6D and 70-200mm weigh more than it :) I'm looking to add a taller tent soon, would like to stand up in the tent if it's pouring down, or even just put my chair inside. But then buying a bigger tent means you can buy more stuff, soon I'll have to get a bigger car to fit everything in :)
Talk of the Devil!
I'm quite tempted to get one of these myself - the Bivi is fine for good weather (not much else), the Quasar is bomb-proof (but heavy) and the Gelert is fine for Summer festivals (if it's trashed I won't care), but I think I need another tent to complete my line-up - a photography tent, and the Banshee seems to fit the spot.
Ooooh yes - GAS applies to tents too :)

P.S. Ryan - if you ever want to head underground ping me - I've started leading novice trips very much like I used to do (and still do) in the mountains. Not promising we will be able to get a camera down on your first trip as it is quite a step up (err, down) from mountain ridges in terms of challenges taking the shots and looking after your gear. That aborted trip up we had up the Glyders in a storm is about right in terms of how hard it is to get the shot, but the caving side of things turned out to be kinda fun and I'm now finding the photography is a bonus instead of the reason for being there :)
In case you haven't spotted it - I have a caving Flickr account.
We camp regularly through the summer, and have three tents.

This is the "Party Palace" for when we have lots of room in the car and need some luxury. £50 from eBay:

ImageUploadedByTalk Photography Forums1447964889.492981.jpg

For travelling light when I am on my own:

ImageUploadedByTalk Photography Forums1447964928.073696.jpg

And the one we use the majority of the time, which cost £100 from a friend (complete with Pip the dog, who seems to have crept into every photo, and Stephen the husband):

ImageUploadedByTalk Photography Forums1447964981.726959.jpg

We are re-enactors, and when I am doing C17th cavalry the horse kit takes up too much room for authenti-camping, hence tents one and two, but when doing C18th infantry which we do most often, we have room for authentic-camping (tent number three). Cooking on a campfire with no modern conveniences is just wonderful, but I do miss chairs, I have to admit.
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+2 for the Vango Banshees; I bought a 200 first and couldn't resist a 300 when I saw one at £95 at the end of the summer. The 300 is half a kilo heavier, not noticeable for cycle touring but the extra space is welcome. I take the 200 if I have to carry it on my back, though I have used it with the bike:




P.S. Ryan - if you ever want to head underground ping me - I've started leading novice trips very much like I used to do (and still do) in the mountains. Not promising we will be able to get a camera down on your first trip as it is quite a step up (err, down) from mountain ridges in terms of challenges taking the shots and looking after your gear. That aborted trip up we had up the Glyders in a storm is about right in terms of how hard it is to get the shot, but the caving side of things turned out to be kinda fun and I'm now finding the photography is a bonus instead of the reason for being there :)
In case you haven't spotted it - I have a caving Flickr account.
FYI - This went to PM and we organised a caving trip which took place earlier today :)
Here's my FB post with a couple of short video clips and a still all taken on a GoPro.

@AgentG - if you fancy a proper photo-trip underground some time, give me a shout...