Any one quitting smoking.! new year.

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Just wondering if any one is quitting the fags, in the new year. Best of luck if thats the case.

I have been quit for 2 Years, 2 Weeks, 1 Day, 16 hours, 37 minutes and 4 seconds (745 days). I have saved £894.82 by not smoking 11,185 cigarettes. :woot:
Stopped last week. Loving it.

Free, free, free at last. :D
Tell me How:clap:
Ok, it's this easy.

Firstly, you need to be ready. You need to want to stop.

Then you need to decide you're doing it. It's no good seeing if you can go without long enough to stop wanting to smoke.

You need to stop, be 100% certain you will not smoke another ciggie and be happy about it.

There is no need to fear stopping. You are not giving up anything or making a sacrafice. You will have a fear now that life will be miserable without the smokes. IT WONT!

You will be happier and enjoy all of life more if you're free from smoking.

Oh... and when you do get out, gloat. :D:D
Ok, it's this easy.

Firstly, you need to be ready. You need to want to stop.

Then you need to decide you're doing it. It's no good seeing if you can go without long enough to stop wanting to smoke.

You need to stop, be 100% certain you will not smoke another ciggie and be happy about it.

There is no need to fear stopping. You are not giving up anything or making a sacrafice. You will have a fear now that life will be miserable without the smokes. IT WONT!

You will be happier and enjoy all of life more if you're free from smoking.

Oh... and when you do get out, gloat. :D:D


The most important factor IMHO ties in with what Dazz says.

Find the right reason to stop and then stop for that reason.

This could be any one of countless dozens but it needs to be your right reason to stop the stupidity (cause that is what it is)

I have "stopped" many times but never for the right reason and believe me it does not work.

Find your reason and do it!!(y)(y)

P.S. Hang in there for a week or two and then see countless other benefits popping up. Now ask yourself whether one drag is really worth all of what you are now experiencing again - not even to mention smelly fingers
After many attempts I stopped in the summer using champix. Unfortunately started again due to stress :(
I had planned to quit as a New Years Resolution, but then nearer the beginning of December I thought 'Why wait? Why not just quit now?'. So I tried, but only lasted about two and a half weeks. I'd like to try again, but I give in very easily when there's cigarettes around me and people smoking.
I quit 9 years ago after 30 yrs as a smoker...30-40 a day...I'm still skint.

You got to tell that little nicotine monster inside you that he's not getting his fix, thats the problem cos when you finish a ciggie the nicotine levels in the blood start to go down, 15-20 mins later your wee nicotine monster needs a fix to bring the nicotine level up again hence the desire to light up. starve the little bugger and around 5 days later the nicotine will be flushed from your system and the hardest part is over. The rest is physcological.

But you really need to have genuine desire to quit smoking, oh and I'll tell you something else that might help and don't take offence. You'd be surprised how smelly smokers can be and I don't mean the smoke smell, a heavy smoker can smell like a ashtray at times but the smoker does'nt realise it cos it comes from their clothes. I must have smelled like that for years, it's only after you have been stopped smoking for a while that you start to smell it off the smokers.
I had planned to quit as a New Years Resolution, but then nearer the beginning of December I thought 'Why wait? Why not just quit now?'. So I tried, but only lasted about two and a half weeks. I'd like to try again, but I give in very easily when there's cigarettes around me and people smoking.

Two and a half weeks:nono:

And here is me having been off it for three months last year (2006).

Started again after one drag in pure stupidity because surely after 3 months ONE drag won't be that bad??:bonk::bonk::bonk:
I quit 9 years ago after 30 yrs as a smoker...30-40 a day...I'm still skint.

You got to tell that little nicotine monster inside you that he's not getting his fix, thats the problem cos when you finish a ciggie the nicotine levels in the blood start to go down, 15-20 mins later your wee nicotine monster needs a fix to bring the nicotine level up again hence the desire to light up. starve the little bugger and around 5 days later the nicotine will be flushed from your system and the hardest part is over. The rest is physcological.

But you really need to have genuine desire to quit smoking, oh and I'll tell you something else that might help and don't take offence. You'd be surprised how smelly smokers can be and I don't mean the smoke smell, a heavy smoker can smell like a ashtray at times but the smoker does'nt realise it cos it comes from their clothes. I must have smelled like that for years, it's only after you have been stopped smoking for a while that you start to smell it off the smokers.

So true!
If there is anyone out there who feels, underneath the fear that goes along with the thought of stopping, kinda excited that they might be about to break free from the slavery. I'm more than happy to chat, by pm, phone, at the pub or whatever and let people see just how ridiculously easy and even fun it can be getting out.

I've been a non smoker for nearly two weeks and in that time I've managed to cram in just about every possible pitfall that could have got me back on them, being drunk as fart at a party full of smokers, boring afternoons stuck in with nothing to do, major head popping stress and even a bereavement.

Anyone can do it if you have the right mindset and it's feels SOOOOOOOOOOOOO good to be free. :woot:
please stop, please make our beer gardens habitable once again :)

my dad quit smoking ten years ago when he had a reason, just stopped, and hasnt started again, no patches no nothing, just forced himself to quit, i think having a genuine reason to stop would really help, a target to aim for
Having a sneaky one whilst drunk doesn't mean you have failed at stopping.

No it doesn't mean you failed at stopping!

It does mean that you are not at all serious to stop and therefore not serious about you own long-term health either.

Don't mean to be a party-pooper but thats the truth:D
Gonna give it a go. Just got to the stage it's pure habit and don't enjoy it half the time. Actually effin sick of it. Stopped cold turkey for 3 and a half years once and then fell into the trap when drunk "one fag won't hurt" 8 years later still at it. Probably go down the route of patches this time tho. Any more tips (no pun intended) welcome.(y)

Managed to give up alcohol 2 years ago no probs with that. Don't even miss it. It's quite fun watching others getting p****d and thinking F, did I look like that when I was drunk. I knew I did but ten time worse.
I could not have done it without NRT..well my first attemps without failed, so tried nrt, helped me,(y) first it gave me the chance to just get rid of habbit, then a cut down on the nic over a few weeks, just kept a bit of gum about incase of emergency.:whistle: but so glad i did, i know full well many start again after years stopped, some find it easy others not. either way its the best thing you can do health wise, :clap:
No it doesn't mean you failed at stopping!

It does mean that you are not at all serious to stop and therefore not serious about you own long-term health either.

Don't mean to be a party-pooper but thats the truth:D
True, i gave up for 6 months this year but started again due to having a bit of a bad time.
I'm quitting again. I stopped for a year after smoking for thirteen, started again, bad mistake. I went cold turkey last time and will do the same. I found that trying to talk yourself out of having one is bad, you need to just let it go. When you get the craving and start telling yourself not to do it, you are actually still thinking about it, instead as soon as the craving hits do something to take your mind off it straight away, get up and go for a walk, hoover up, paint something etc... take your mind off it.
Will be 3 years on Tuesday for me. After several failed half-arsed attempts (I'll just cut down bit by bit etc) I decided I wanted to stop. Full stop. And I did.

All the best to anybody packing in this year, you won't regret it in the long run.
This May will be my 5th year since my last ciggy. I went cold turkey too.

I did have my tonsils out near the time I gave up, that helped TBH. My throat was so sore for weeks after, plus I had to go back in to hospital when my throat started bleeding again about a week later. I was in the ear nose and throat ward. There were people on respirators, hooked up to bag and machines with tubes of horrible brown stuff draining out of then. A bloke hooked up to a drip who hobbled outside every 20 mins, dragging his drip with him, to have a fag. "Never again" I thought when I came out of there. FREE AT LAST! The trick is not to give into the temptation. The desire for a fag might seem to be all powerful at times but it will pass soon enough. Just don't give in to it! Get back control of your life :)
Good Luck to everyone trying to give up the evil weed.

I've given up 18 months now and i still get the odd craving.

Trying to cut down gradually didnt work for me, so i stopped altogether and used Nicorette Gum whenever i got the urge. I had the jaw muscles of a Lion after three weeks but it did work.

I agree with Mohain, a trip round the ward at your local hospital will also help put you off ciggies for life.