Anyone using instagram on iphone or ipad?

Edit My Images
Just wandered if any of you lot might be using above app?

If so reply to this with your user name and I'll start following ;) or alternatively find me @hamster_83

I think it's a great little app but I do prefer to upload my dslr pics rather than my 'iphoneography' ones - but I'm new to it so that may change!

Look forward to seeing your stuff :)
Nobody using instagram then huh?! :crying:

Can anyone recommend any other GOOD photography apps for iphone?

I know the picture quality isn't all that but it's fun to mess around with different pre-set styles, and some people have captured some pretty cool images using just their phones from what I can see. :)
I used to use it all the time. I managed to gather 8500 odd followers. I cut back on using it for various reasons, but still post a few things up now and then. It's gotten very elitist regarding non iPhone photos. I don't upload DSLR pics any more as I kept getting abuse about it
Nice one Mandy and Paul, you both have a new follower ;)

Yea I bet it has Tom, think its silly that you get stick for uploading your camera shots, at the end of the day a good picture is a good picture!

I use Camera+ for all my iphone photography. Excellent editing package and some wonderful effects if needed.
Have you tryed hystamatic! Azimg app, little procey but really fun and worth the cost
I'm quite a fan of Instagram. I have no interest in uploading pics taken on other cameras and sometimes think it'd be nicer if you couldn't as then you'd get to see what people were getting out of the Iphone. Not gonna whinge about it though or go abusing anyone for it.
I use Camera+ for all my iphone photography. Excellent editing package and some wonderful effects if needed.

I have heard about camera+, I'll check it out (y)

Have you tryed hystamatic! Azimg app, little procey but really fun and worth the cost

I'll give this a go too ;)

I'm quite a fan of Instagram. I have no interest in uploading pics taken on other cameras and sometimes think it'd be nicer if you couldn't as then you'd get to see what people were getting out of the Iphone. Not gonna whinge about it though or go abusing anyone for it.

Interesting point, I was looking at this as a way of showcasing all images from DSLR or phone but I suppose we have flickr for that? But I really like seeing some of these filters on my favourite images, it gives me the opportunity to see them with effects applied that I would never normally do myself in pp - and its so easy!

I think I'll continue to upload both but maybe hashtag relevant pics as either DSLR or iPhone - that way the haters can choose to ignore non iPhone pics!? :LOL:
Big Lens is good
I've just started using it too, I'm @_mr_b

I'm another fan of Hipstamatic, not the cheapest but good fun and some nice processing too. Need to do a search for more good apps though - might check out Big lens in a bit...
I use it now and then when i remember to. cagey75 on there too.

I also have camera+ and hipstamatic.

feel free to add.
PETERSTEELE is me. Strangely I keep getting people "taking" photos of me. Due to the fact that Peter Steele was also a dead rock star....