Apple have announced that Aperture is now dead

s***, pardon my language but I found this a real shame. I loved aperture and it's library management and integration within the rest of osx. I'll take a look at photos, but I think I'll have to move to Lightroom now with its clunky workflow.
Damn... Especially with the X-T1 I just prefer Aperture's conversion to Lightroom etc... They announced Logic Pro X and Final Cut Pro X as "Pro Apps" and they really weren't... so this is likely going to be terrible for ambitious photographers.
Apple were once the PRO-Graphic machines with software to match.
It seems they are no longer interested in this route.
Perhaps they think Pro photography really is dead.
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Apple were once the PRO-Graphic machines with software to match.
It seems they are no longer interested in this route.
Perhaps they think Pro photography really is dead.
No its just most of their money comes from iOS machines

A sad day, loved Aperture and its Library management and free flowing editing workflow but I have been using Lightroom for a few months now with CC so the change will not be so difficult. Funny enough was thinking of moving back to aperture because of the clunky workflow and poor library management in lightroom but I guess thats out of the window now. Shame :(
Just been looking into this a bit, Photos for OSX is not due out until next year....Apple actually hasn't announced anything, a representative from Apple spoke about this in an interview with Techcrunch....However the writing is on the wall....I just wished there was more information about the Photos application for OSX such that I know whether to invest time into Lightroom which interface I've tried many a time but just don't like, it is so PC style clunky imo and very last century in how it want you to do things....But I will start now if I photos doesn't have the good library management features...
I like Aperture, but this good be a good thing it may even be better!
I wish it were so but apparently apple are negotiating an upgrade path with adobe to Lightroom.
shame about this. Apple is quickly becoming the manufacturer of media consumption devices and couldn't care less about pro (i.e. working creative people) market any more.
... They announced Logic Pro X and Final Cut Pro X as "Pro Apps" and they really weren't...
They messed up FinalCut pro X when first released it really did seem that they had dumbed down a pro app but after much criticism from Pro's and with various upgrades it has matured into a brilliant piece of software pretty much regarded as one of the best video editing suites. I wish we could say the same about Aperture but the negotiating with Adobe is pretty much a nail in the coffin for aperture. Maybe if Pro photographers were to complain loudly maybe they could change the decision but I feel Apple have lost many of those to Lightroom already with their sporadic updates
They messed up FinalCut pro X when first released it really did seem that they had dumbed down a pro app but after much criticism from Pro's and with various upgrades it has matured into a brilliant piece of software pretty much regarded as one of the best video editing suites. I wish we could say the same about Aperture but the negotiating with Adobe is pretty much a nail in the coffin for aperture. Maybe if Pro photographers were to complain loudly maybe they could change the decision but I feel Apple have lost many of those to Lightroom already with their sporadic updates
The original Techncrunch article where all others originate from has been updated and the the link to an official upgrade/migration path has been removed...I think it will take a while until the other 'journalist' update/correct their version of accounts...
Here are some other interesting perspectives....

Highlighting fully integrated lens correction and noise reduction capabilities in photos

And a glimpse into the UI of the Photos app, which looks promising actually...

And Thom Hogan's interesting perspective...

Thinking about it, I think they all have a good point. I'm not going to start moving my library into Lightroom just yet :)
hmmmm thom hogan perspective does make more sense than what i have heard so far ,most of this cloud based cr-ap goes right over my head .i just want somewhere to store my raw files till or when needed if ever .after losing lots of precious pics at the dawn of digital due to windows constantly upgrading there silly systems ,i switched to apple first with i-photo and then with aperture and have been happily ensconced for the last ten years or thereabouts and can still access my original files if needed .so hopefully apple and aperture will not do a marisa meyer /flickr on us and leave everyone in limbo while they sort it out .though saying that the latest flickr re-birth version seems really nice to use so far but its only a few days old so must be due for changing now :help::help:
b*****ks, at least I'll still have the RAWs minus the editing, which there wasn't much of anyway, but having to migrate 20,000 photos is going to be right pain in the arse.

Add to that I've just invested in Logic, which I can see going the same way. Ok, Apple have said that no other "pro" apps in their line up are going to be killed, but the fact is that I just do not trust Apple anymore.

Linux is looking more tempting than ever for me. Musically wise I'm sorted there with Bitwig Studio, but can anybody recommend a decent RAW processor, similar to Aperture or Lightroom, on Linux where I can migrate to?

Please don't suggest moving to windows, as anybody who does so will be subjected to the most foul and insulting language you will ever hear, and I'll end up getting banned.
I have loaded RAW files in Iphoto and it works fine. You can choose an external editor too so you aren't stuck with the fisher price iphoto editing options. I'd assuming the migration will be simple as it will just migrate the entire aperture catalogue. You can have multiple libraries within iphoto so there is a way of separating them out if you don't want one massive one. Switching between them is a bit of a pain though.

For image processing on linux you want Gimp. Deals with RAW. I'd experiment with iPhoto a bit first before throwing out the baby ;)
b*****ks, at least I'll still have the RAWs minus the editing, which there wasn't much of anyway, but having to migrate 20,000 photos is going to be right pain in the arse.

Add to that I've just invested in Logic, which I can see going the same way. Ok, Apple have said that no other "pro" apps in their line up are going to be killed, but the fact is that I just do not trust Apple anymore.

Linux is looking more tempting than ever for me. Musically wise I'm sorted there with Bitwig Studio, but can anybody recommend a decent RAW processor, similar to Aperture or Lightroom, on Linux where I can migrate to?

Please don't suggest moving to windows, as anybody who does so will be subjected to the most foul and insulting language you will ever hear, and I'll end up getting banned.
Blimey did you brake a heel or something last night?

I'd suggest to consider what is really going on. Take a look at the links I provided as I think they worded some of the perspectives really well.

I've been digging into a bit what Photos will be about and looked at the Yosemite framework. I'm actually getting quite excited, and think this will be the equivalent of Aperture 5 but fully rewritten.
Here are some other interesting perspectives....

Highlighting fully integrated lens correction and noise reduction capabilities in photos

And a glimpse into the UI of the Photos app, which looks promising actually...

And Thom Hogan's interesting perspective...

Thinking about it, I think they all have a good point. I'm not going to start moving my library into Lightroom just yet :)

Thanks for those... as someone who made the switch to OS X in 2004 and has stayed with Apple for 10 years because of the Pro Apps (Logic, Final Cut, Aperture), I'm just a bit bummed out... But I'll sit and wait and who knows... maybe Photos will be decent...
I'm actually getting quite excited, and think this will be the equivalent of Aperture 5 but fully rewritten.
Personally, I think that you're being wildly optimistic here, although I want you to be wrong; as a user of Lightroom on Windows, I want there to be vibrant, big-name competition - to keep Adobe's feet to the fire.

I suspect that the reality is that you'll get the desktop version of the iOS photo app, with all the UI refinement and limitations that that will entail.

Apple just exited the pro photo software market; it's clear that their focus is on iOS.

And if I were a user of Final Cut or Logic, I'd be formulating Plan B right about now, especially if it turns out that Mac Pro sales haven't met expectations.
With regards to fcp I think it was more the change of approach that caused the anxiety opposed to any functionality. It is an incredibly function rich application.

Tbh it is all guess work anyway. Nobody knows what it can cannot do. No need to make any rash decisions either way.
And if I were a user of Final Cut or Logic, I'd be formulating Plan B right about now, especially if it turns out that Mac Pro sales haven't met expectations.

I thought the only problem Apple had with sales of the Mac Pro was keeping up with demand

Seemingly they've just moved to a 24hr ship date
I thought the only problem Apple had with sales of the Mac Pro was keeping up with demand

Seemingly they've just moved to a 24hr ship date
It's probably very small number of users, in absolute terms.

Note that Apple doesn't break out Mac figures, so what follows is what I've gleaned from the internet (and therefore it's all obviously completely correct in all aspects :)):

Apple sell ~4M Macs a quarter, and 75% of those are laptops. So that leaves about a million desktop Macs a quarter. The vast majority of those are going to be iMacs, easily 80-90%. So figure ~100K Mac Pros.

That's really not very many, for a global product.

I think that the "keeping up with demand" part was at least partly "sheeeeeeeit, these things are HARD to make!" or "goddamn it Jesse, we've run out of the black motherboards AGAIN!" or "hehehehe, enforced scarcity makes things more desirable >cackle<".

Apple obviously does supply chain management incredibly well for things it expects to sell millions of - iPhones, iPads and the like.

That said, this is all speculation. Apple makes incredible money on its (mostly laptop) Macs - more profit than the next five manufacturers combined.
can anybody recommend a decent RAW processor, similar to Aperture or Lightroom, on Linux where I can migrate to?
There are several nice RAW processors to choose from e.g.:
  • Raw Therapee
  • Raw Studio
  • Darktable
  • UFRaw
  • Photivo
  • Corel AfterShot Pro 2 (non-free)
But a great solution is to use Digikam to manage and tag big collections and non-destructive edit and upload your pictures. It has it's own RAW processor, but many prefer to plug in one of the free ones above. You can easily try out the free ones and see what you prefer.
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I am not pleased. I've a massive amount of images on Aperature, RAWS, JPEGs, TIFFS from work in Colour EFEx/Silver EFX. I understand LR5 is ahead of Aperature 3, but it did the job for me admirably. Having to start a new library and migrate everything accross will be a pain. I will stick with it for as long as possible but at some stage the adobe route I will be forced down.
What problems do you think migration will cause? What will be lost?
Well migrating thousands of images from one program to another causes problems in itself not to mention any editing done will be lost but aperture organises files differently, and imo better, than lightroom. Well actually Lightroom doesnt manage the files at all, you do, and lightroom is the tool you use. I personally do not want to manage my library, I am quite happy for my DAM to do it for me, Ive better things to do.
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That's rubbish news :(

I've tried Lightroom but just find Aperture so easy to use :(
What problems do you think migration will cause? What will be lost?

I have my shoots laid out into projects, the RAWS and JPEGs/TIFFs sit in the project but you don't see the RAWs until you click see original image. How this would all migrate into LR5 beats me. I've also invested 2 years back in the Nik plugins for Aperture, £260 then. To have to pay for new LR friendly versions is galling. I really hope they develop Aperture 4 or something other than iPhoto. I can eek 2-5 years more out of this suite until I am left totally behind.

I also hate learning new programs.
I really hope they develop Aperture 4 or something other than iPhoto. I can eek 2-5 years more out of this suite until I am left totally behind.
I also hate learning new programs.

Well their gonna update for Yosemite so hopefully that can keep us going for a while problem is if you upgrade your camera and Apple may not offer RAW support :(
I'm still the optimist that who thinks photos will be a brilliant application taking the best from existing systems. Incorporating the new OS level frameworks like lens correction and noise reduction and enhanced raw processing and offer even more integration.

However I might start developing a good migration tool that will keep structure of projects, maintain keywords, copy the stack of original and versions, heck even export a JPEG and include it to avoid changes due to the different raw processing engine.

Well their gonna update for Yosemite so hopefully that can keep us going for a while problem is if you upgrade your camera and Apple may not offer RAW support :(

I noticed the RAW support for my Nikon D610 is odd. It doesn't render the files quite as I liked. It's however fine for my D800. I will eventually make the switch the LR if the update/merge path is easy. It handled files/libraries and raw file manipulation pretty well.
I have my shoots laid out into projects, the RAWS and JPEGs/TIFFs sit in the project but you don't see the RAWs until you click see original image. How this would all migrate into LR5 beats me. I've also invested 2 years back in the Nik plugins for Aperture, £260 then. To have to pay for new LR friendly versions is galling. I really hope they develop Aperture 4 or something other than iPhoto. I can eek 2-5 years more out of this suite until I am left totally behind.

I also hate learning new programs.

I'm with you Steve. Apple have taken themselves out of the pro market and left their users nearly high and dry. Like you I too invested in the complete Nik plug-ins only to see of course Google gobble them up and offer them at a much lower price. That I can live with but for Apple to do this is another matter. I have to ask if there may not come a time when they may leave the notebook market in the name of money. They will say no of course. I'm assuming Nik will not work on Photos... Might Nik allow Aperture users to swap over to their LR version and if so at what cost?
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I'm extremely annoyed by this :eek:. I only bought Aperture 5 weeks ago. Looks like I'll move to Lightroom
Complain to Apple Customer Services. You may just get a refund.

I think I just may do this today, thank you Peter. I guess it's worth a punt. That'd be half of Lightroom paid for if they do refund me. I do feel sorry for those who have invested a LOT more time and money in this programme than me.

I'm with ST4/Steve on this...I hate learning new programmes as well.
I'm with you Steve. Apple have taken themselves out of the pro market and left their users nearly high and dry. Like you I too invested in the complete Nik plug-ins only to see of course Google gobble them up and offer them at a much lower price. That I can live with but for Apple to do this is another matter. I have to ask if there may not come a time when they may leave the notebook market in the name of money. They will say no of course. I'm assuming Nik will not work on Photos... Might Nik allow Aperture users to swap over to their LR version and if so at what cost?
Contact google. They allowed me swap over my aperture kit serial to a google nik serial which gives you access to all the plugins.

But seriously I would suggest to stop the negativity. It was already announced that photos allows for a plugin model. There is more evidence that it will be feature rich, heck even richer than aperture is today as many people complained about lens corrections which is there now in Yosemite.

There is no evidence at all that it will be dumbed down. The main uncertainty is how it's approach to dam will be. I'd suggest to wait and see before making rash decisions.
Complain to Apple Customer Services. You may just get a refund.

I doubt that very much. Aperture is still listed and praised at the App Store.

I was thinking of purchasing Aperture, but was hanging on to see if a new version would be announced.

I downloaded a trial version of LR 5, but not sure whether I will purchase it at the end of the trial. I like iPhoto, so Aperture would have been a good move for me.