
Jason Brown
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Last week I visited Auschwitz - a place that has been on my 'bucket list' for many years. More a pilgrimage than anything else, it's a place so filled with painful echoes of the past that I still find myself mulling over what I saw... it's a place that everyone should visit at least once in their lives but be prepared for it to change you.

I've deliberately given the images an aged, grainy look that I feel portrays the timeless horror of this place.








Jason an absolute stunning set of sets, the aged and grainy look really brings it home, any colour would have taken away the atrocities and sadness that betrays this place. Each one tells a story. Thanks for sharing.
I have never visited here but have similar places and not ashamed to say I have been brought to tears in a very short time.
Some amazing images there, it's hard to believe what went on behind those gates.
As already said, stunning images of a place I'm not sure if I could cope with visiting.
I went to an exhibition about the Holocaust in London last year and left feeling very small and humble - your pictures just add to that.
Well done for capturing what must have been hard to comprehend Jason.
A strong set of images and very thought provoking. It's on my "bucket list too" and somewhere that we should visit to understand the horrors and strength of the human race.

I know of an elderly gentleman who was a survivor from Auschwitz and refuses to have his serial number tattoo removed as he feels doing so is a form of denial/erasing the holocaust.
stunning and moving images, beautifully processed and tell the story of the horror.
Thanks again, another amazing set from a terrible place
Very strong and evocative set of images, the processing choice very much works for the subject
A very strong set of images especially the suitcase shot with the names on them of the poor people that suffered there. As others have said previously, it's a place on my 'bucket list' I want to go to, even more so after looking at your set. Love the fact that there are no people in the shots which gives it quite a haunting feel, especially when you consider the amount of people that were in there originally.
A very strong set of images especially the suitcase shot with the names on them of the poor people that suffered there. As others have said previously, it's a place on my 'bucket list' I want to go to, even more so after looking at your set. Love the fact that there are no people in the shots which gives it quite a haunting feel, especially when you consider the amount of people that were in there originally.
Thanks for the kind comments. Auschwitz is visited daily by literally thousands of people so shooting these images with no one in the background was quite challenging. The hardest place to shoot is the main gate which is where the all the groups start their tour - I had to return there on several occasions in order to capture the images I wanted.
Agree with the above comments. My mind simply can't comprehend the absolute horror that one human being can do to another, and even 70 years on, we occasionally need to be reminded of this so it can never be allowed to happen again.

My wife's grandfather was a polish Jew who came to the UK in 1941 to fight with the RAF after a lot of his extended family and friends were exterminated by the Nazi's - so it's quite poignant for us.
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A sobering set, so well presented,-- My wife lost 90% of her family to those animals--we must never forget

Great captures! The mood of the photos compliments the history of the setting oerfectly
Similar to what others have said but a great set of images that really do tell stories.
It's all been said, a strong and emotive set of images.
Fantastic set. Some great compositions and use of dof. The processing is just right too in my opinion.
One of best. Superb work.

I have had a look at your website, and feel bound to say that as good as the colour photos in the Auschwitz - Birkenau sets are, these desaturated/B&W versions are in a different league. As a matter of interest, what was your workflow/software, if you don't mind my asking. The soft sepia toning is superb.
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One of best. Superb work.

I have had a look at your website, and feel bound to say that as good as the colour photos in the Auschwitz - Birkenau sets are, these desaturated/B&W versions are in a different league. As a matter of interest, what was your workflow/software, if you don't mind my asking. The soft sepia toning is superb.
Hi Horrocks - thanks for the great comments! I really appreciate it.

For your info, I use Lightroom for all post-processing. The sepia toning used in the Auschwitz photos was actually my interpretation of the style used by one of my favourite photographers - Anton Corbijn - with a dash of grain used to give an aged effect. Hope this helps!
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A superb set that really captures the right mood and tone. Thank you for posting them
Big sigh....Excellent images and excellent treatment of a difficult subject. You have succeeded in evoking a gut-wrenching response.

I hope you curate these as a series and display them somewhere.

I can't add anything further to what has already been said. A superbly executed collection of images. Very very thought provoking. Probably the best set of images I've ever seen on this site.
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Great set of images and somewhere more people should visit.
Echo what others have said ^

You did well to keep tourists out of the shots particularly at the gates. Something that requires a lot of patience there.

Trully horrific place. I've been twice in winter, on one occasion it was -16c. I was wrapped up in thermals and was freezing. It's no wonder the prisoners didn't survive long when they were put to work there.
Absolutely fantastic. Beautifully seen and rendered - thank you.

I can't believe there are still people who deny this atrocity ever happened - a complete blot on humanity. This should NEVER be forgotten - You've done a wonderful job of preserving the memory of this travesty.

So much to learn and yet nobody seems to recall it - it still goes on now in so-called developed countries with impunity.
Don't mind saying ...these brought tears to my eyes . Very much on my places to see list ...

Thanks for sharing
Excellent shots about a disturbing place. Like your choice a grainy look.