autumn berries

Looking at the larger image, I don't think that you've got the focus. It all looks a little oout of focus - What shutter speed did you use? Could be camera shake perhaps. Also, have a think about composition as it's very central.
shutter speed was 1/40, i had stuck it in av dropped the f to 5.6
i have this one as well
errr just the standard lens that came with my camera 18-55mm. no idea on what mm they were taken at, sorry im a beginner
Sara Exif says Focal Length = 55/1 mm ===> 55 mm

Thanks Dave - I couldn't get the exif to display.

Kim, you need to think about increasing the shutter speed. The general rule of thumb to prevent camera shake is that you need 1/focal length x crop factor.

In this case, if you are using a Canon, you need to be looking at a minimum speed of 1/88 (say 1/100) Achieved by 1 / (55 x 1.6). You were using 1/40, so up your ISO or make your aperture larger and you can achieve these mimimum speeds to help combat camera shake.

Hope that helps.

I hope someone who can explain it properly can come along and do so!!

I have looked on the interweb and come up with this site where there's a good explanation and a table at the bottom where you can see it for yourself. Not sure if there's anything in the tutorials sections on TP. There may also be something if you do a search as this has come up on a few occasions before.

Tutorial here, look at camera shake and how to avoid it.
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Thanks a lot for all your help, I will have a read on there later, when my brain is awake lol!