Autumn Frolics

Thanks for the comments guys.
Lovely photo of a lovely child and great Autumn scene, pity I don't have children as this is the style of photos I would be after :)
a question for you on this shot, did you throw the leaves for the little girl or did you move them up higher in PP?

I was doing a shot this weekend with a girl a little older and she couldn't throw the leaves this high.
a question for you on this shot, did you throw the leaves for the little girl or did you move them up higher in PP?

I was thinking this also, and I was trying to work out is she jumping in the air trying to catch the leaves. Or did she jump into the air while throwing the leaves? She has the slight illusion of of being suspended in air, that's why I thought she might have thrown the leaves into the air while jumping.

Looking at the photo again, it looks like she is jumping trying to catch them..
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yes, I think that someone must have been in a tree dropping the leaves down and she is reaching up to them. It's very clever as it does look like she has thrown them
She actually threw them, and no there was no other person involved, the way it worked was she gathered all the leaves and bunched them up and then on a count of 1 to 10 she threw them up.

she is a three year old and can throw things quite hard!

This shot was actually shot in drive mode, at 6 FPS


So when the leaves are slightly wet and bunched, they can be thrown, and yes my daughter can easily carry a 4 pint milk which gives you an idea of the weight she can pull around.

So no photoshopping or moving the position of the leaves was done, the only thing was saturation and sharpening :)

She actually threw them, and no there was no other person involved, the way it worked was she gathered all the leaves and bunched them up and then on a count of 1 to 10 she threw them up.

she is a three year old and can throw things quite hard!

Well in that case, an extra well done from me then. Oh and that is a well done to your daughter also, as she helped you get such a superb shot (y)
She actually threw them, and no there was no other person involved, the way it worked was she gathered all the leaves and bunched them up and then on a count of 1 to 10 she threw them up.

she is a three year old and can throw things quite hard!

This shot was actually shot in drive mode, at 6 FPS



well done to her. I had a four year old with wet leaves and the best she could get them was just above her head. You should enter her into the "Strong Toddler of the year" competition
Cheers guys! It was a shot i had in my mind so i was chuffed she cooperated. Put it thjs way she wants to push the shopping trolley and carry the shoping basket.
