Aviation experts needed

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Hi all

I often find things washed up on the beach when walking the dog's usually old bones and shells etc, today I've found what I can only guess is part of a second world war plane:help:

The aircraft part if that's what it is measures 37" long and has S/N 0047 RR painted on the inside.

I would love any information on this or leads as to where to find out about it.

Many thanks and apologies if in the wrong bit [or even wrong forum but you guys have always helped us out in past;) ]

Many thanks







Frankly it could be anything.
But looking at the writing, I doubt it's second world war. That would have worn away long ago if it was.

Cheers for the reply and I was doubting WW2, the aluminium's in great shape and generally it seemed to clean.
Guess it was the way the pieces were joined and the colour, wonder what it is then?
Part of a jettisoned long range fuel tank maybe? Looks like part of a conical shape, anyway.
Wasn't expecting my first post to be on this subject, but were you close to a bombing range?

What you have there is part of the skin of a bomb tail (it's a type 114 freefall tail, as fitted to UK 1,000lb bombs). The clips on the outer part are used to keep the fuzing cable tidy; can't remember the significance of the writing on the inside, could be a mod state.

Nice souveneir you have there.

PS I'm 99.9% certain that I'm correct.....spent 27 years playing with such items!
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Wasn't expecting my first post to be on this subject, but were you close to a bombing range?

What you have there is part of the skin of a bomb tail (it's a type 114 freefall tail, as fitted to UK 1,000lb bombs). The clips on the outer part are used to keep the fuzing cable tidy; can't remember the significance of the writing on the inside, could be a mod state.

Nice souveneir you have there.

PS I'm 99.9% certain that I'm correct.....spent 27 years playing with such items!


That's brilliant mate and you've probably 100% right as it was washed up on the shore between Theddlethorpe and Donna Nook though not that far up, I'm just new here and don't know many of the little villages by name yet.

I believe most of the coast along near where we live was/is used for target practice, we even have an old tank on the beach [see pic]

I will save this info and my souvenir, might even make something out of the metal as it appears to be lovely quality.

Many thanks


P.S. any idea of date?

Looking at the un-faded yellow paint pen, lack of corrosion, and very little rusting on the clamps, I would think it was pretty recent. As an educated guess probably dropped by a Tornado from Marham.

Hope you didn't remove it from MOD land....they can take a dim view!
cool thread!

Cheers, though not really photography:naughty:

Looking at the un-faded yellow paint pen, lack of corrosion, and very little rusting on the clamps, I would think it was pretty recent. As an educated guess probably dropped by a Tornado from Marham.

Hope you didn't remove it from MOD land....they can take a dim view!

I don't think the beach where it washed up is MOD but could be wrong, I know further up is because they have warning flags when it's safe to use the beach or not. We've been here just over a year now and it's never been not safe to use the beach, we put that down to them not having any bombs left to drop:LOL:
The construction with the solid rivets is what made me believe it was old, being a sheet metal worker I know that would be a slow expensive way of fabricating anything and there are much easier/cheaper ways nowadays.

Cheers for your info as it's made the find much more interesting:clap:

Wow you could get some great shots with that old tank in! Nice find on the bit of bomb :D

We have taken loads of pic's of the tank, it's great seeing the old V8 barrel liners just sitting there, wonder what kind of tank it is?

