Avro Lancaster over stalag luft iii


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not really

i waited untill it flew over the wire at Fairford and converted it to B and W to try and convey a old feeling.

Top marks for the composition (y), but technically could be improved with a slower shutter to blur the props and exposure is a little off with the shadows lacking detail... IMHO:shrug:
Top marks for the composition (y), but technically could be improved with a slower shutter to blur the props and exposure is a little off with the shadows lacking detail... IMHO:shrug:

i did try different speeds and exposures

but only had this one shot over the fence.
Top marks for the composition (y), but technically could be improved with a slower shutter to blur the props and exposure is a little off with the shadows lacking detail... IMHO:shrug:

Would that not have meant he would have had to pan though? The detail on the fence would then have been lost.
Honest question from a beginner, not a dig at your comment. ;)

I agree it's a little dark though and the props frozen like that make it appear as if it's gliding.
Maybe try lightening it a little and see what happens.
You may also be able to add a bit of motion blur to the props, there's programs/plug-ins that can be used to add motion blur to car wheels so I wouldn't be surprised if it's doable.
I can see what you were trying to achieve but it doesn't quite work as it is.
Fantastic aircraft though, thanks for sharing. (y)
Really nice composition, and I like the B&W conversion.

There seems to be some ghosting round the concrete post though - Distracts a bit. Apart from that, it's a nice shot.

Like the compsoition too, I wonder if a bit of softening/grain on the Lancaster would help the oldy feel.
Would that not have meant he would have had to pan though?

You can still get decent prop blur from 1/250s and slower, so the detail in the fence would still be there.

Brilliant idea though. I shoot the Lanc most weeks and haven't thought of using the wire to create something like this, so fair play for the idea. Agreed that technically it hasn't quite pulled it off, but very creative.
Really nice image there is a blur tool in Photoshop type software that you can just add a little motion to on the blades. Very creative certanly got that vintage feeling to it. (y)
Would that not have meant he would have had to pan though? The detail on the fence would then have been lost.

I think the distance from subject will blur the fence whatever you do, I prefer it blurred and just suggesting the fence.

This one's at 1/320 so some blur on the props (first outing shooting aircraft), but they're flying away rather than panning across the frame:
