Awkward issue with WEX

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Bit of a strange one really and I think so far I’ve been pretty calm and collected over it all, but to cut a long story short (fingers crossed) back end of last year I traded in a load of gear with WEX to fund a switch to mirrorless, and they obviously do the gear inspection and on one of my lenses they noted that it was a bit tighter than normal to go passed a certain focal length and they would either have to send it back as is and I’d have to pay the difference by not trading it in, pay to send it off to be repaired and they would then honour the original trade in quote, or have it repaired and sent back at my own cost.

So I figured for the amount it’s going to cost me against what I’d save for the new gear, I may as well keep it as I was on the fence about trading in that particular lens anyway, so they sent it off for repair, they quoted 7-10 working days with their repair agent, it took a while longer but I wasn’t too bothered. However once I received it back the fault they’d picked up on under inspection that I’d not noticed with regular use was evidently there, and really quite noticeable, I admit that sometimes unless something is brought to your attention you are oblivious to it, but the problem was I’d paid a significant amount to have it put back to how it should be, so I contacted WEX and after a short delay they arranged for it to be collected.

This is where the awkwardness begins, because this was at the beginning of March, I’ve been in contact several times with WEX since then and all they can say is they’re chasing it up with their repair agent but I get nothing back, in the first place according to our email correspondence it appears that it was forgotten about and left on WEX’ shelf for about a week before I contacted them to ask about its progress, being told the following day that the repair centre should receive it ‘today as we’ve sent it via 24 hour delivery’ to them.

So I’m kind of in limbo now as it’s been almost 2 months from when the lens was originally sent away with an estimated turn around time of 7-10 working days. I get that parts may not be available or whatever, but as I’ve said to them just let me know what’s going on with it one way or the other as I’ve paid a decent wedge to have a fault I’d not even noticed it had to be amplified and then held to ransom for almost 2 months. I know it’s not WEX’ fault, apart from the fact they didn’t actually send it until I gave them a nudge, but they don’t seem willing to offer contact details with their repair agent for me to start leaning on them instead.

What would you guys do?
Firstly, though I have only had few dealings with WEX I have in the main found them good.

On the surmise that you are paying WEX for the service then the you are not the customer of the repairer....unless they are only(?) acting as the agent???

Did I reads it that you have paid for the repair? Was this with a credit card...if so it may be worth checking is Section 75 covers such as repairs or only new purchases???

Hopefully a positive outcome will ensue, whatever steps you take :)
They tried that one on me and I asked for it back. I could see nothing wrong with it.
I sent it off to another dealer and it was passed fine.

FYI I use Ffordes these days as I trust them.

Good luck with Wex.
Did they use Fixation for the repair? If so please see the current post regarding them and a repair for an insurance claim.
Firstly, though I have only had few dealings with WEX I have in the main found them good.

On the surmise that you are paying WEX for the service then the you are not the customer of the repairer....unless they are only(?) acting as the agent???

Did I reads it that you have paid for the repair? Was this with a credit card...if so it may be worth checking is Section 75 covers such as repairs or only new purchases???

Hopefully a positive outcome will ensue, whatever steps you take :)
That makes sense, I’ll keep on at WEX then, the repair was paid for using a credit card, thanks BB.
They tried that one on me and I asked for it back. I could see nothing wrong with it.
I sent it off to another dealer and it was passed fine.

FYI I use Ffordes these days as I trust them.

Good luck with Wex.
Yes as I say, I wasn’t aware of any issue with it, should’ve trusted my gut! Cheers Peter.
@Pete R

Just a thought, but are you sure it is the same lens that you sent them?
I can only assume it is, I didn’t make note of the serial number, however WEX did make mention that the barrel itself had been replaced so the serial number has changed. Thanks Tigger.
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