Baby Logan... Latest Shoot.

Cute baby!

#1 lighting is good, personally not keen on the tilt
#2 Very cute hat! May be better naked or in a better fitting top
#3 Great eye contact! But the flasht looks a bit harsh

Hope that helps
Not sure Ilike any?

1 Baby is too small in the image - it's a picture of a chair.
2. Baby looks uncomy although I know its difficult to get good shots like that,
3. Lightings not right here. THe clothes are too much in the last two as well. THey detract from a beautiful baby.
Two catchlights aren't looking good, a quick edit will sort it (y)
I don't think they work either unfortunately. The chair totally dominates the nugglet. The second one is an angle I've tried and failed to make work too and the light is way too harsh in #3.

I understand how tough it is when parents dress them in clothes like this, but when this happens I try to use angles that make the face dominate and use negative space...

Thank you for all the comments.

I do take everything onboard good and bad to learn from my mistakes.

I'm really new to all this! :)

The couple really like them but i suppose that's because they don't have the photographers eye.
I said this on another post but parents will love anything that looks better than their P&S efforts. The impoortant thing is you learn from your experince :) I'm certainly no master and I learn from something from every shoot I do and the more you learn the more you want to explore and then you learn more! :)