Wild Back to the pond

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So i was minding my own business when a dragon fly hovered right in front of my nose. It quickly dissapeared and all i heard was, was a rustling of wings coming from the ground. The dragon fly had settled on a rotten stump and began to lay her eggs right on the edge of the pond, between my legs. The first two shots were literally taken pointing straight down :)

IMG_0560-18 by andy johnson, on Flickr

IMG_056444-22 by andy johnson, on Flickr

IMG_0666-32 by andy johnson, on Flickr

IMG_0661-30 by andy johnson, on Flickr

IMG_0601-25 by andy johnson, on Flickr

IMG_19844-1 by andy johnson, on Flickr

IMG_0903-41 by andy johnson, on Flickr

Ive been tring to get a descent shot of a male scorpion flies claspers, the wife beat me to it.

IMG_2356-13 by andy johnson, on Flickr

Thanks for looking, C&C appreciated :)
"Awesome" set of images Andrew, great detail & composition, good exposure & lighting. Sorry I can't help you with IDs etc.(y)

Thanks George :) Its been a good weekend for bugs in the last few days of the season, so what do you all find to shoot in the cold months, bug wise ?
Brilliant set of photos. Really love the extreme close ups of 1 and 2.
Did you use extension tubes as well as your macro lens with these?
Thanks Mike, i just had the 100 mm macro and speed lite, with a soft box diffuser on it. The pics have been cropped from this size. Just managed to get it all in as it was between my feet. :)

IMG_0563-19 by andy johnson, on Flickr
Excellent! As well as #1 and #2, I really like #3 and #4 (very nice, smooth illumination), and the scorpion fly. I rather like the extra one you posted as well.
Thanks Nick most appreciated.

Do you stack images for added DOF? I ask as the detail and sharpness are brilliant. :clap:

I tried a stack of two using combine with #7 but i think the original was better. I',m not sure which one i used. The rest have been touched up in PS slightly.But i'd like to say that the more i practise the less I'm post processing unless the wife's pics are better than mine of course. :)
Superb series of photos Andy. I particularly like the last full size shot of the dragonfly.