Background supports needed

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Hello all

I want to set up a small home studio for photographs of the family and am planning to use a knitted white curtain eg lastolite 3x3.5m (7501)

I need a pair of stands and cross support and would like a recommendation. Budget is £80-120 or thereabouts. I would like the option in the future of using a 2.08mx11m paper roll so it needs to be sturdy enough to take a bit of weight, although I don't ever think ill use 3m paper due to storage problems

I just bought a bessel support stand and double sided (black/white)vinyl (thread here - pretty good value. Stands seem sturdy enough too. I think it'd fall in your budget ( different sizes are available).

I know some people have lencarta stands which they are happy with too.

I store my vinyl under my daughters bed ( thats where the room where the photos get taken!)

hope that helps

Thank you for all the suggestions. I was concerned it was going to cost me around £150!!
aeronic said:
Thank you for all the suggestions. I was concerned it was going to cost me around £150!!

The stand and the vinyl (if you went that way) would probably come in budget!

I was budgeting around 200 all in. Had originally looked at a knitted background fabric, but quite interested in these vinyls. My main concern is not having enough train on a 9' by 12' backdrop, and the 20' ones are very dear - also no room for that as the room I plan to use is 16' square
although I don't ever think ill use 3m paper due to storage problems

You can always cut the paper rolls down to a size which is easier for storage, i cut all of mine down to about 8ft wide, more because i needed to fit them in the car, as i take to clients homes, but the option is always there :)
Right stand now sorted. Bought a calumet heavy duty one from ebay (yes the one bundled with a collapse able background) ill have to get the wife ironing that!

So I now need some backgrounds - still keen on a knitted one for white but wondering what to do for black.