Critique backlit brown hare

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I've left this as full frame because ofthe water at the base,Idon't think I have ever got a hare and water in the same frame before. slightly unnerving this one,although I held those nerves for a little while longer than the frame illustrated and got a bit more. Nerves,well simply these is a massive tractor heading up the very track i'm lying iin and frankly I don't know whether the driver is going to clock me,lets face it I do a fair fallen tree impression.

We have proper madness going on in front this guy probably male is tracking a lady I suspect he's lost in the mayhem
No doubt I also struggled a bit with the post on this the sun's a bit high for back lit ,but what can I say i'm always going to try for this type of image,also asking a fair bit of both camera and lens. I would welcome any crit here

_70F7898 incoming backlit SM by Stuart Philpott, on Flickr



That one you couldn't resist I'm sure, Stuart,
and I'm glad you didn't! (y)
Lovely ,very nice how the sun glints through his eyes and highlights fur and whiskers .
Cheers folks ,sorry slow in reply had a lovely day out yesterday with them and possibly one of the best encounters with a Roe buck in my life nearly an hour being sneaky with the fella ,whom eventually got up and came to see me,just fabulous.We got back late then spent to long trying to work out if I got something..@Holty what's ya first name please

Daniel first time for me worrying about a very big tractor flattening the tog,always something new in this game.

Liz,I love those eyes and the way the light works,the joys of all round vision huh:) I'm very grateful for your post, thank you very much for those words : Liz, I felt folks wouldn't be able to see what you have,because the hare is not the biggest in frame seems once again I'm wrong,what's new:D thanks for takiing the time,I know it's a few words,but it's helped me cheers !!

Lovely Stu, love the pose and he looks straight at you. The water is very strong and you'd expect it to distract but it doesn't at all, I think it helps with the framing. Nailed the focus and bokeh.

I'm presumimg the tractor driver saw you, you're still here to tell the tale, I bet it was hare raising. ;)
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ha ha ouch "hare raising"...priceless :D. It cost me a blinding(for me) frame Dale I simply needed to move an FP didn't cut feet but too close,might be able to add a bit of canvas one day......... but he was nearly on me.................................I moved bro,ruddy tyres were two foot wide and wheels as tall as me,never a fight I was gonna win . Being a sneaky old sod has it's moments huh

I think the water is going to divide folks Dale, some will find it over powering and distract from subject some will like it,I'm gonna sit on the fence with the best of both worlds;),i've got the other foot up too bro,i'm pretty sure IQ is the same,so I can crop that too 4/5 or what ever. Mate, lord knows how many thousands of hare images we must have accumulated yet not one with water in bar the ones from this set. So I'm chuffed to add these into the mayhem.

Lord above, just lucked out on the boxing again yesterday,at one stage it was mental,hares all ways too close to frame didn't know where to point the camera. Mind, if I didn't mess up the Roe images plus that experience.................. ahh mate that one's been a long time coming,it's just getting that bit of luck and then nailing the FC, He came so close I couldn't fit him in. Ironically he was sat with a hare,which clocked me and ran off,he got up and then went back to lying and dozing bless
cheers for stopping by mate

Hi Stu.
Love the Hare shot, plus the story regarding the tractor bearing down on you is not bad either. Now as you say the water at the bottom of the shot is going to divide a few people's opinion. For me it want's cropping out as it distracting. The Hare on its own is more than good enough to command the whole shot, as its got movement and great lighting.
Keep the shot coming Stu as there very interesting mate.
Hey John ,thanks both for the kinds words and your honesty mate,genuinely appreciated.I'm fortunate to have the options I have,both the other frame and to crop if wanted.I guess in some ways what I would have loved..... ha yearned for.......... was a reflection. That really would have set this apart for me, I got a bit of a reflection in a later frame but blew that one with poor tracking

Ha man that tractor was big it was big when I stood up but from down there........:eek: I'm too old for this crawling on the floor lark John,but it really does give a different view of the world;)

take care mate