Bad to worse! - USB Flash Drive Issues/Corrupt/Unreadable.

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so, there I was working on a spreadsheet, when my trusty laptop decided it didn't want to play and died.

So, I restarted it, getting the prompt to "Scan Drive" so I let Windows continue and eventually load up. Off I go to reopen the spreadsheet I was working on, an Auto save event fired, "did I want to open the autosaved version" Yes, of course I do! Then it reports it can't open the autosave file :( not to worry I'll open the original file, it was only about 15 mins earlier I'd saved it. File is corrupt, would you like to repair it :puke: oh well, guess I must. Excel then reports it's been unable to recover the document and all it can offer is to provide me with the formulae. I should add even this was only about 10% of the formulae :(

So, what can I do :thinking:

Well other files etc on the USB drive are all ok. Sod it, I'll scandisk and defrag, things cant get any worse.

So, after a scandisk and defrag of the USB drive I now get


so looks like I'll be trying the Sandisk recovery Pro CD when I get home this evening, I know I've put it somewhere safe!

Really annoyed with myself more than anything as last night I thought "best back up the drive just in case", then got sidetracked :bang:

Fingers crossed I can recover the rest of the data, although it looks like the spreadsheet is dead!
this should be in the computer section, anyways

good luck recovering the drive, you should get most of the data back if you haven't tried to use it since the scandisk and defrag.
So, after trying numerous utilities to try and recover the data (or format the drive so I can then attempt to recover the data) I'm still at square 1.

Details so far:

Drive was scandisked and defragged then ejected from laptop.
Drive now will not read/access.

Drive letter gets assigned.
Properties show size 0
Disk manager shows unreadable

HP Format Tool, attempts to format but comes back to say "Drive is write protected"

Drive does not have any switch to set read only etc.

Any suggestions for how I can format this to attempt recovery ? Google has provided numerous options but no joy so far.

thanks all.
Ihave seen this on a usb HDD. Managed to recover the data using a linux PC as it is less fussy about problems and reads what it can.
Ihave seen this on a usb HDD. Managed to recover the data using a linux PC as it is less fussy about problems and reads what it can.

I find Mac OSX is the same, it will read disks that windows won't even touch
cheers guys, MagicRecoveryPro didn't help unfortunately.

I've access to a Mac at work so will try that as a last resort. Failing that I think its a bin it then live and learn. Backup, backup and backup again.

At least it wasn't my external HDD which strangely was backed up very soon after this episode :LOL:
Well I've just inserted it into the mac at work and drive light flashes, but the drive does not show. Inserted another drive and that shows fine.
I had the same issue before. Off hand, you need to insert the disc, right click on My Computer and go to manage. Then go into Disk Management under Storage and see if it's in there, then report back and I'll assist further if it appears, or if it doesn't appear, I'll assist too.

I managed to save three of my USB sticks after it came up with this issue.
Thanks for the replies guys, I've not been back here for a few days.

OK, status is as follows - Yet to try PuppyLinux I'll give it a bash tonight

Keith, Situation is as below:

Shows as Drive E: in My computer (properties show 0 size)
Disk management shows as a drive which is "Unreadable"

Won't format, Won't read.

I'm currently running "DDR - Pen Drive Recovery" on it at the advise of a colleague. Not holding out too much hope though.

I found R-Studio to be very good at data recovery.
Recuva is quite good too mate, I've used that a few times.

If all else fails and you need some data recovering, I could give it a bash. I have a few tools at work which I could use?

Thanks Keith, the first app I tried was Recuva but to no avail. I'm going to try the Puppylinux as suggested earlier, unfortunately I haven't had time these last few days.

Hopefully tonight or the weekend.

In terms of data, I think I've (more through luck than judgement) managed to locate backups/copies of files from emails and other locations for the important files, the others I've managed to recreate from printed versions.

This is now more a case of a challenge than a necessity. I can't remember everything that was on the drive so I working on the "well, if I can't remember it can't be important" mentality :LOL:

thanks for the offer though.
With Puppy running, you try mounting the drive first.
Can I just say I love your Quote ;P

Sorry about your data, I have some freeware I used to recover image files, but it only does jpegs/raws :/