Band promo shoot in the coooooooold Scottish snow!

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It may have been 2 hours in the heavy snowfall, but it was a lot of fun. The original plan was to go to Loch Lomond but we got no further than Milngavie Waterworks, just outside Glasgow, due to the weather.

I've still not done all that many band photoshoots and the last one I did prior to this was back in April so I'm still finding my feet and building confidence.

All these were shot using a flashgun/reflective brolly for lighting.

Any C&C would be appreciated.

One last thing; The band are LightGuides from Glasgow. They are a great band and their mini album, Past and Present is on Spotify. If you like Biffy and Twin Atlantic you will probably like these boys.


Flash failed on this next one but I quite like the resulting look


One of the close ups
Number 1 : do you have another shot with a less disturbing right hand for rightmost lad, maybe clone it in there. Cool picture otherwise. Did you get any pics with snowballs exploding off their heads?
Number 2 and 3 seem to have a "those other two guys don't matter" look, with the shallow focus. Like they just played the maracas or their dad owns the van or something.
I like the last picture the best : give his mam a framed copy!
#1 Love the space around them, personally I wouldn't have done it with snowballs
Prefer #3 over #2 - agree with Ulfric about the shallow focus
#4 is great!
Thank you for the feedback guys :)

#1 - I have quite a few like this. More snowball ones and some like this minus snowballs. We did take a few throwing snowballs at them but it didn't really work, haha! I did get a fun one of them snowballs firing towards me though.

#2 and 3 - Good point about the out of focus thing. Gives me something to thing about when I next do a shoot. We did ones with each of the guys at the front.

#4 - One of my favourites :) I took it before he was ready for the shot.

Lighting wise what do you think? Would I be better using a softbox? Multiple lights? Ok as it is?
Great shots but didn't anyone ever tell them ... it's a band promo shot, DO NOT SMILE!!!

Only kiddin, great to see a group enjoying themselves.
I like bands looking happy... even after 2 hours in a snowstorm :D Their music is very upbeat and happy so the mood of the photos sort of reflects that.

Really it was nothing to with "reflecting the mood of the music" more of a Wahey!! Snoooooooooow!!! And us all being like big kids.
1. Might crop to landscape, keeping the snowballs. great front or rear cover of the CD.
2. is really nice, worked out very well.
3. Great expressions and no obstructed faces, not easy in a blizzard! Nice poses and framing too.
4. Would be nicer if you could get rid of the snow flake over his nose...
I love 2 & 3 - I think them smiling works with the weather and the scene. I also really like how they are standing in a triangle - reminds me of an album cover.
I'd not thought of cropping #1. I think that'd look good, maybe as a square crop. I know the lads were keen to have the trees etc in the background. I know my old college tutor would moan at me for all that dead space though, haha!

How 2 & 3 don't have snow all over their faces is a miracle. Half the time I actually couldn't see what I was shooting the snow was that heavy.

I'll have a go to remove the snowflake on #4. Somehow I doubt my PS skills are quite up to it but it'll be good practise if nothing else.

I've another shoot coming up on the 16th so hopefully all these points and opinions will help me to get a better shoot. And hopefully we'll have less snow, haha!