Basic setup

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I am looking for a simple setup to light my 8 week old twins at home. I was hoping to use natural light but the location of our house and the time of year makes this a non starter. I don't want to spend thousands and was wondering if a single light setup with paper background would suffice, but i know NOTHING,i have done web searches but do not have a clue. If anyone could point me to an idiots guide or give advice i would be most grateful.
Regards Tom
Window light is very good, if you've got a big north-facing window or choose an overcast day. You don't want direct sun. Just use a big reflector (sheet?) to fill the shadow side, though you may need both a low f/number and push the ISO to get a shake-free shutter speed.

Alternatively, one flash can give very good results, bounced off the ceiling, bit of fill-in from a bounce card, umbrella on a stand, lots of simple and cheap options.

What have you got, what's your budget, can you link to an example of the kind of thing you'd like to do?
Thanks for the reply Richard, i guess i was too vague in my original post. This is what i have been doing, just propping them up with cushions and natural light, this was on a very good winters day


I am hoping to vary the poses/use props etc as they get a bit stronger and stop projectile vomiting :LOL:

The inspiration for this thread came from a set by Ed Bray in which he does describe his equipment and i have looked at the lencarta site but have total brain fade with the range of things available

I hope this helps
Regards Tom
One light in an umbrella softbox or small softbox and some baskets etc. or just on the bed.

With babies I often use fleece blankets on the sofa like this. Just one light to the right.

Present equipment and budget?
Thanks for the reply and link Dean (y) food for thought.
Richard i was looking to spend £200/£300 and i currently have 1dmkii,7d, 50mm 1.4,24-105,100 macro, 70-200 2.8 etc...all the gear-no idea :LOL: :LOL: also 430exii
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Thanks for the reply and link Dean (y) food for thought.
Richard i was looking to spend £200/£300 and i currently have 1dmkii,7d, 50mm 1.4,24-105,100 macro, 70-200 2.8 etc...all the gear-no idea :LOL: :LOL: also 430exii

That'll do. I would get something like a Lencarta Smartflash studio head, a Profold softbox around 100cm, trigger, stand and a reflector, plus whatever background you fancy.

You can do a lot with that, but the equipment is less important than knowing how to use it, and about light. Only tip I would give is use a higher f/number as with twins you might struggle to get them both in sharp focus.

Individually, you might try some shallow depth of field effects with your 50 1.4. Nice with babies. Always focus on the eyes.