Beginner Bass Rock, North Berwick

One absolutely NO! NO! thing in sceneries
composition, Ronnie, is "shared" whatever.
Like shared planes, horizons, layers or lines.

Here, the horizon shares the same line as the
base of the rock and the tops of the mid water
islands. Had you know about that, you could
have look for a PoV where there would be no
shared plane or line.

Otherwise, cool take!

One absolutely NO! NO! thing in sceneries
composition, Ronnie, is "shared" whatever.
Like shared planes, horizons, layers or lines.

Here, the horizon shares the same line as the
base of the rock and the tops of the mid water
islands. Had you know about that, you could
have look for a PoV where there would be no
shared plane or line.

Otherwise, cool take!

Oh thanks! That's a new one for me.
I don't know, sometimes I think it pays off to ignore the rules. I like that the base of the rock is level with the horizon, gives it an other-worldly feel. Nice light and pretty sharp. Shame the islands are slightly in the way but hey-ho.