Beady Eye

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Just to prove I'm not all doodling! Straight shot with just a touch of lightening (layer mask) to relieve the deep shadow in the eye.
Fantstic shot!

On shots just as these, how did you ensure that the eye is pin sharp?
Is it a case of trusting the cameras auto focus, or do you take control and select one auto focus point and then ficus the shot with that one the eye before using focus lock to recompose?

BTW What sort of bird is it and where was it taken?


Taken with a Pentax *iST D with an old Pentax 100 - 300mm zoom lens manually focussed cos' it doesn't do AF (the lens, not the camera.)
It is a Bald Eagle, and is at the Hawk Conservancy near Andover.
Just after I took this we saw the flying display in which this bird took part. It's a magnificent sight!
Nice shot. Most of my wildlife shots are taken with the 100-400L Pete and I do use AF- usually on servo and focus on the eye which is really all important. If the subject is fairly still and not bobbing around moving their head you can manually focus as RSMedia has done here.