Best filter system for the Nikon 14/24mm f2.8

Neil Williams
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I have been wanting to get a GND filter to use on my 14/24 and have 3 options two of which they sell in my home town and one I would need to get from the states #3. They are:
1) lee filter SW150 system starter kit
2) hitech Lucroit 165mm for Nikon 14-24mm
3) Fotodiox filter system for my 14/24 f2.8

Anyone on here had any experience with either of these systems?
Not sure if the filters themselves are interchangeable but if so, try both systems that are available to see which holder feels most secure and easiest to use. Otherwise, I understand that Lee's actual filters are the mutt's nuts.
Not sure if the filters themselves are interchangeable but if so, try both systems that are available to see which holder feels most secure and easiest to use. Otherwise, I understand that Lee's actual filters are the mutt's nuts.
I already have all the lee filters for 77mm holder and Leica snd yes the Lee filters are great.....................its really the holder that I am more intrested in. sure when I get home I will go and look at them but I am sat on an Oil Rig in Nigeria right now so just killing time
Steve have you got the SW150 kit?

No, I have the 100mm filters, changing all my lee filters for 150's was going to be expensive, hence not getting a 14-24mm. I got a Ziess 21mm which takes normal 100mm filters.

I've used Lee filters extensively and been happy with the results, the only difference between mine and the ones you should buy size
I have been wanting to get a GND filter to use on my 14/24 and have 3 options two of which they sell in my home town and one I would need to get from the states #3. They are:
1) lee filter SW150 system starter kit
2) hitech Lucroit 165mm for Nikon 14-24mm
3) Fotodiox filter system for my 14/24 f2.8

Anyone on here had any experience with either of these systems?

Did you choose a system in the end?
I've just bought a 14-24 and really miss my filters.
Yes I bought it and only used it once. I now just use my Leica M system with their Lee filter as the 14/24 filter system is way too bulky.....
Get rid of the 14-24mm, buy a 16-35mm and save yourself a s***load of dosh
Gary I have the 17/35 and wish I had listened to you before I bought it. Any ways I am getting far better results with my Leica lenses so will stick with them. ...........anyone want the 14/24mm filter PM me for a 100 quid off.
I was searching for lucroit and this thread came up so did you go for the Lee system ultimately?
A problem i have been looking at. For me its a matter of deciding- do i want a holder for 1 filter and no 10 stop available then its the Lee. If i decide i need a holder for more than 1 filter and have a 10 stop available then its the Lucroit. I know the Hitech 10 stop IR is meant to be good so no probs using it in the lucroit but you need a home made gasket to make it fit in the Lee. I have yet to decide what way i will go.
Im going to go for the Progrey holder system with just 1 of their filters( .9 soft ) to try it. I have no doubts about the holder at all and if need be i can use Lee filters in it but reports on their own filters so far have been good so time will tell. I can get the holder system and 3 filters(.6&.9 soft and a .9 hard) for under the price of the Lee starter kit.
Im going to go for the Progrey holder system with just 1 of their filters( .9 soft ) to try it. I have no doubts about the holder at all and if need be i can use Lee filters in it but reports on their own filters so far have been good so time will tell. I can get the holder system and 3 filters(.6&.9 soft and a .9 hard) for under the price of the Lee starter kit.

One of the advantages of Progrey filter holder compared to the Lee holder is that the space of the holder to the lens have minimal spacing.
I went for the Lee Sw-150 as I got a cheap one off ebay. Not had chance to use in anger yet but it does need the extra flanges on the sides to stop flare
Yip Mattyg, I had read about the flare. What does worry me though is using a 10 stop with it. If I used the Lee system with a Hitech 10 stop then I would need to make a gasket to stop the light leak as there is such a big gap with the Lee added to the fact it only takes 1 filter at a time. The Progrey is all metal design and you get it with1,2 and 3 little slots to screw in when you want- a big plus as I could use an ND Grad and a 10 stop when required. The Progrey says no colour cast but I won't know how true that is till I buy it and use it. They also promise a 10 stop very very soon so maybe it will come with a gasket if required.i think it's worth the gamble. If it goes belly up then I just go buy Lee filters to fit in the Progrey holder.
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Markyboy.1967, I'm using the Progrey soft, hard and reverse filters and have not experience any problem. I have also used 6 stop ND and haven't experience any light leak (hope will not in my future use) with the Progrey filter. I for one is waiting for the release of their ND filters particularly their 10 stop ND.
Popeyebx- i think your review and one other highlighted the folter system to me. Is the 6 stop you have a round filter or the square type as i thought they were still in the process of developing tge square filters. Can you post a few images up with the nd grads and your 6 stop. Last thing- do you have a picture showing how the holder etc fit on the lens as i dont see pics anywhere. Cheers.
Hi Mark, I'm using a 6 stop ND square type filter. I cannot wait for the Progrey ND filters when I went last time on a holiday trip that's why I bought a different brand of ND filter. I just hope their ND filters will be available the soonest as possible :)

Here's what it looks like on Nikkor 14-24 f2.8:

Progey test
by PopeyeBX, on Flickr

Progey test
by PopeyeBX, on Flickr

Apart from the images on my review thread, here's a couple more:

Nikkor 14-24 f2.8 + Progrey ND Grad 0.9 Hard

Silence of the Waves
by PopeyeBX, on Flickr

Nikkor 80-200 f2.8 + Progrey ND Grad 0.9 Soft

by PopeyeBX, on Flickr

Nikkor 14-24 f2.8 + Progrey 0.9 Reverse ND Grad

Show of the Day
by PopeyeBX, on Flickr

Nikkor 14-24 f2.8 + Haida 1.8 ND filter + 0.9 Reverse ND Grad

Golden Coast
by PopeyeBX, on Flickr​
PopeyeBX, do you get any vignetteing with either the 2 or 3 slots on the holder when shooting at 14mm. I would like to use the ND Grad and a 10 stop at times but wondered why Lee only did the 1 slot and can only think it would because the lens would vignette quite a bit with more than 1 filter in place. Cheers.
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There's minimal vignetting when 2 filters are stacked and shooting on the wide end, this can be easily corrected in lens profile. Haven't tried shooting 3 stacked filters but I'm sure there will be vignetting on the wide end.
Well after much searching and thinking I have decided to buy the Progrey holder, mainly due to the option of using more than 1 filter at a time. I have decided though to go with the Lee ND Grads as they aren't much more expensive and I know their quality is very good( not saying the progrey filters aren't, I just know more about the Lee). I'm still undecided about a 10 stop though- whether I wait on the Progrey 10 stop or maybe buy the Hitech Pro IRND...