Wild Best of the weekend

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The snipe fly is a robber fly but not sure which type
Cheers, it took off as soon as i took the first shot and i only managed to get its head. DOF was very shallow.
Great variety indeed, where were these taken? I like the scorpion fly, still waiting for a decent portrait of a male like this one!

How was the dragon lit? Lighting is really nice on that..

That caterpillar is amazing, it definitely had me fooled for a long time, I thought it was dead! It looked to have a gaping hole in it's head, but then I found the eyes at the other side. Great example of automimicry.
Hi Tim These were taken at Offwell pond near Honiton in Devon. Its an educational reserve and quite secluded and never anyone there :) I have to admit that the caterpillar and dragons were taken by my wife who's only started photography this month , all hers came out better than mine. :( She was using the on board flash but the first dragon was just natural light. Typically bank holiday overcast. The caterpillar was spinning ( twirling ) but again debbie got the best shot with her point and shoot technique, grrrr. I'm also calling her "rock steady Eddie " whilst im more of a trembling Trevor.

Scorpion flies are quite common here, there is a walk near Honiton at Hembury fort where you can usually find them. They always appear awkward flying and when startled don't go very far, so easy to chase down. :)
Really nice set - taken with a macro lens presumably? Which one?
I actually ended up clicking through to the Flickr page and saw that Andy. You had me confused at first because I misread your post and had thought that some of these had been taken by your wife with a point and shoot!
I probably would have bought one those "point and shoots" if I thought it could take images like that!
So just to finish of the bank holiday with 4 more flies.

First up a female scorpian fly to go with the male earlier.

scorpion F-3 by andy johnson, on Flickr

No idea what these are, defo look better on flickr

twins-1 by andy johnson, on Flickr

Rhingia campestris

red-5 by andy johnson, on Flickr

And i think this is a picture wing but not sure.

picture wing-6 by andy johnson, on Flickr

Taken with 100 mm macro and ring flash. Thanks for all the nice comments and likes and back to work tonight at 10.30. :(