best place to by a domain name

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where is the best place to by a domain name?
looking to get my photography to the next level start adertising? what do you guys think is the best place to buy one?
:agree: 1and1 for me too. Excellent service and speed of transaction. You will also need to consider hosting packages too. You need the domain (the address) and also space on a professional server to keep your website (unless you are going to attempt this yourself).
If you want a website, you are going to need both a domain name and hosting package

Generally you can get a package from £1.99 upwards which includes a domain name

I have got 3 domains hosted with I pay for the domain name (for a year £10 something) and it includes free hosting for a year

Each hosting package will have different options based on the price, webspace allowance, bandwidth allowance etc
so confusing need to get to some sort of evening class.... fo right now i want to make sure i get the domain im after cn i buy packages after? or ill buy a package as a starter...

apart from witch other ones shoul i worry about or will that be ok?
Yep. TSO host without a shadow of doubt.

Adam and Darren are superbly talented and their clustered hosting is fast, reliable, inexpensive and flexible.

Of course, it's the support that makes the difference, and you won't do better.
Sam, I would go for one or the other - .com or You purchase your domain - say for example and at the same time sign up for hosting. On 1&1 it would be about £1.99 per month for the hosting and 8.99 for the domain. You will then need to build your website (or have it built for you) and upload it to the 1&1 servers.

Quick q - are you a mac user? iWeb is superb for people just getting into websites - their templates work really well and are fairly robust and bomb proof.

Let us know if you need more info (y)
tsohost. superb!

There is even a freephone number you can ring. Try that with the big boys such as 1and1. Also, as I was with 1and1 before, they are a nightmare when it comes to changing packages. You have to do it all via the website and some stuff is so buried it's virtually unreachable.

But the reality is there is no reason why you can't buy it at the cheapest place.

I have been pleased with the offerings from TSOhost and the two factors that swung it for me were the freephone contact and genuinely being UK based. Oh, and there prices are very competitive - especially when you see their hosting packages support all the features anyone could need (you are not forced into the top package to get more features).

I think I went with the recommendation from Nick and others and have no connection whatsoever with either him or the company. But do compare and satisfy yourself it delivers what you need both now and in the future.


Oh and go for both .com and if you are grabbing anything 'clever'. If it's just your name or something, then it's less of an issue. Some companies grab similar or associated domains and try to sell them to you. Very annoying!
1&1 are VERY bad when it comes to trying to move your domain name away from them. If you are happy to be stuck with them forever then go with them. I had to move a handful to somewhere else a while back and I still haven't got full control over them.

I now use and have about 40 domain names registered with them and not had a single issue. Normally one of the cheapest too.
There is even a freephone number you can ring. Try that with the big boys such as 1and1. Also, as I was with 1and1 before, they are a nightmare when it comes to changing packages. You have to do it all via the website and some stuff is so buried it's virtually unreachable.

But the reality is there is no reason why you can't buy it at the cheapest place.

I have been pleased with the offerings from TSOhost and the two factors that swung it for me were the freephone contact and genuinely being UK based. Oh, and there prices are very competitive - especially when you see their hosting packages support all the features anyone could need (you are not forced into the top package to get more features).

I think I went with the recommendation from Nick and others and have no connection whatsoever with either him or the company. But do compare and satisfy yourself it delivers what you need both now and in the future.


support are excellent, ive contacted them on a couple of occasions at 10-11pm and theyve responded to my ticket within 10-15 mins
Eeek cheers for the headsup Tom. I have never tried taking any of ours off of 1&1 but that is useful to know for the future.
I got mine from 123reg

Haven't really had any issues


got 5 or 6 domains through them now, but just as the registrar. I host my sites seperatly in the US so there's no issue when I want to move host I just redirect to different place.
Usually buy mine from registron
Sam, I would go for one or the other - .com or You purchase your domain - say for example and at the same time sign up for hosting. On 1&1 it would be about £1.99 per month for the hosting and 8.99 for the domain. You will then need to build your website (or have it built for you) and upload it to the 1&1 servers.

Quick q - are you a mac user? iWeb is superb for people just getting into websites - their templates work really well and are fairly robust and bomb proof.

Let us know if you need more info (y)

unfortunatly i dont have mac.. and my comp feels like it is fadeing daily:-( but it will do... do you no of a good program for PC i am thinking of getting CS4 would getting the extra package be worth it os it comfusing like photoshop LOL
If you want a website, you are going to need both a domain name and hosting package

Generally you can get a package from £1.99 upwards which includes a domain name

I have got 3 domains hosted with I pay for the domain name (for a year £10 something) and it includes free hosting for a year

Each hosting package will have different options based on the price, webspace allowance, bandwidth allowance etc

Good luck with them, biggest bunch of rectal cowboys I have ever had the displeasure of encountering.

Tried several times to cancel my account before the time limit. managed once, got an email stating it was cancelled. Then 2 weeks later got a bill for a years hosting. Tried to explain and just got threatened with legal action, lawyers got involved. Ended up paying just to end it, set up a holding page about my experience with them.

I would never recommend them to anyone!

you can't buy a domain name.. only rent one :)

unfortunatly i dont have mac.. and my comp feels like it is fadeing daily:-( but it will do... do you no of a good program for PC i am thinking of getting CS4 would getting the extra package be worth it os it comfusing like photoshop LOL

That is some serious money outlay right there and unless you are a graphics designer or web designer I would seriously look at either using templates or paying for someone to design you one.

Another good one is clikpic who again can do the whole design through to host package. ie register domain, design your website, give you editing access and then host it all for you.

Another option if it is just for a portfolio is to check out Blu - they can do the domain and hosting and design all in one package! Be warned though that their websites are flash based - they look really sexy but not universal and hard to link to for things like posting on TP.

Good luck with them, biggest bunch of rectal cowboys I have ever had the displeasure of encountering.

Tried several times to cancel my account before the time limit. managed once, got an email stating it was cancelled. Then 2 weeks later got a bill for a years hosting. Tried to explain and just got threatened with legal action, lawyers got involved. Ended up paying just to end it, set up a holding page about my experience with them.

I would never recommend them to anyone!

Interesting to read that, I cancelled two domains with them last year without any issues. I guess its like every company, sometimes you get good customer service and sometimes you dont. Will see what happens when I try to cancel my next one :|
I thought GoDaddy had a bit of a spammer reputation. FWIW I would go for a UK company and get your domain and hosting separately.