Best places in the world for a photography trip?

I have a couple of ideas so far, but nothing that's really that exciting just yet...

1. Fly into Vegas (dont stay there though as it doesn't appeal in the slightest) > Zion NP > Yellowstone NP > Glacier NP > Banff > Fly out of Calgary... sometime around June
2. Go snowboarding somewhere on the west coast of Canada/USA then go to Hawaii for pipeline masters in December

Neither are that amazing though, so we'll have to see. I would love to do South America, i'm just not sure i'm brave/adventurous enough to be doing it on my own just yet though!
I remember seeing someones thread about their trip to Arizona and the Grand Canyon - All pics taken with an LX3 I think it was - The shots were bloody awesome, lovely blue skies contrasting with the colour of the rock. Looked ace.

not sure if it was this link but these were fantastic.

For general landscapes I would say NZ that I've been to. Easy to get around, more compact than Aus in terms of distances to travel and truly stunning scenery.

For some great architecture \ people shots I would do Thailand \ Laos \ Burma (Myanmar) \ Cambodia and the experience would be amazing (and not too expensive once there if you backpack). You cold fly into Thailand and go overland into Cambodia and fly out from there. It's a beautifully frustratingly long exhausting pleasure of a journey dependant on the day!

If you pick either of the above feel free to drop me a PM for ideas of where to go (I'm not a travel agent by the way :LOL:).


I have a couple of ideas so far, but nothing that's really that exciting just yet...

1. Fly into Vegas (dont stay there though as it doesn't appeal in the slightest) > Zion NP > Yellowstone NP > Glacier NP > Banff > Fly out of Calgary... sometime around June
2. Go snowboarding somewhere on the west coast of Canada/USA then go to Hawaii for pipeline masters in December

Neither are that amazing though, so we'll have to see. I would love to do South America, i'm just not sure i'm brave/adventurous enough to be doing it on my own just yet though!

I could easily spend 3 weeks hiking around Yosemite or Yellowstone. As for south America, i'd love to go and see the aztec cities. Getting up the mountains would be back breaking but definitely worth it :)
From personal experience i can suggest both The Grand Canyon and Yosemite Nation Park as the scenery is outstanding at both. Take a helo from Vegas to The Canyon and try to time it so you fly out mid afternoon for some great day shots and fly back at dusk for the Vegas nightshots.

If you fancy Canada then the Columbian Icefields are jawdroppingly beautiful and, again, scenery to die for. If you take a trip onto the glacier then don't forget your sunglasses as you will go 'snowblind' without them :shake:

As you mention Hawaii then stay in Honolulu on Oahu for the nightlife but take a flight over to the big island and take a trip to the volcanoes national park to visit Kilueaha (sp?). The caldera is a mile wide on its own and kind of stuns you into silence the first time you see it (just like The Grand Canyon )

Either way and wherever you decide on, good luck for your trip...and don't forget to post up your shots once you return (y)

Regards, Andy :clap:
whats your interest?

animals, landscapes, way out conditions of weather

namibia, new zealand, antartica

my like is culture....china, japan, india, nepal, morocco, egypt, africa
3 weeks ?

Fly to LA .... Drive Highway 1 to San Fran (Stunning views along the Big Sur).

From San Fran head to Yosemite.

From there, head into Death Valley.

And fly out of Vegas (personally I'd stay there for a few nights too - playing cards and photographing the lights ;) ). If that's not your thing, the airport is easy to get to from Death Valley.

FYI, I was also gonna suggest a NYC - BOSTON - NEW ENGLAND trip until I saw the itinerary of where you've already been !!!


I think every country is awsome including our own for travel photography... I've been to many... but of the ones I've been too I so regret not taking an SLR to one of them... and I have never not travelled with an SLR since and that was to Mongolia... It was a long time ago... I only had a Pentax K1000 ... and I was young and my mum told me i'd loose it and break it... I'd just been given it by my grandfather as he had given up his photography due to ill health and I had been using it on and off for a few years anyway as he taught me! But even with my compact shots its the one place i'd recomend... especially for people!

Other faves of mine have been Peru, South Africa, Switzerland and Venice and Nice. Santorini is ok for a day or two... and NYC is just the dogs *******s! Photo on every corner!

Places I'd love to go though are... Bhutan and Nepal, Alaska and Yeh More of North America... Yosemite (sp?), Vietnam and New Zealand!
Iceland is pretty amazing, and relatively cheap at the moment.
I would fly to Phoenix, then head north on I 17 towards Cotton wood and stay in Sedona, use this stunning place as a base, from here Grand Canyon, Monument valley, LA, Vegas etc are all within a days drive at most.

OK the trip I did in 2003,

Start in Jackson Hole Wyoming USA, with the Grand Tetons, and super clear night sky's with VERY bright stars, then off to The Devils Tower (Close Encounters of the Third Kind)

Down to Mount Rushmore via Deadwood with a shot hop into Dakota for the Badlands, while at Mount Rushmore nip over to the Crazy Horse Memorial (which will one of the wonders of the world when finished in about 100 years) and over the wiggly road (can't just remember the name, the one with spiral corners, but not for the nervous) and off to Wind Cave NP

Then back through Wyoming stopping at the Little Big Horn Battle field on your way to Yellowstone NP, a bit of a trek up to Glacier National Park and then down again to Missoula, Montana back through Yellowstone (can't get enough of those geyser's and mud pots)

Go the long way round back to Jackson, so you can drive over the Beartooth Pass 11,000 feet.

Loads more on the 4000+ mile car trip we did, I must go back and do it all again sometime :)
White Flyer,

How many days did you take to do the 4000mile round trip? We are doing a section of your tour and am worried about 200-300miles per day driving.
the grand circle in the states
including monument valley,grand canyon,canyonlands NP including dead horse point and arches NP and many others in that area,
in my eyes it is the greatest scenery i have ever seen.
What is wrong with the UK.


Just take a minute to think of the thousands of photo opportunities this country has to offer ?
As an example, Landscapes - 10 plus National Parks and thousands of miles of varied coastline.
Architecture - pick a town/city - we have lots.
If you want blue skies,white sand and turquiose sea, with a bit of wildlife thrown in,west coast of Scotland.
Diversity - again pick a town/city.
History - we invented the word !!
So much to choose from.
When I retire in 18 months, Im going to hire a camper van and go on a 'Grand Photographic Tour' of the UK,to visit all the places I have wanted to go to,but never had chance.

Just think....... petrol money for your trip,no passport control,your own itinery and with the savings you could buy lots of new gear (y)

My personal preference for a foreign trip would be Florence,Italy. Going back this year - a photo op at every turn.
How about these they may not be the safest but there won’t be many photographers about so you’ve a good chance of an exclusive ;)

North Korea
White Flyer,

How many days did you take to do the 4000mile round trip? We are doing a section of your tour and am worried about 200-300miles per day driving.

Not done the same trip but from my experience 200 - 250 miles in a day is a scenic drive with plenty of stops for photos etc. and no sense of urgency. 300+ is a day spent driving to get somewhere and you start to think twice about stopping too often.
China was amazing even with my point and shoot I got some superb pictures, New Zealand is a place I would love to go back to with my decent camera and my improved photography skills. Malaysia, Thailand etc all have some great photo opps as does Egypt.
White Flyer,

How many days did you take to do the 4000mile round trip? We are doing a section of your tour and am worried about 200-300miles per day driving.

We were the for 3 weeks in total, we only really had one VERY long driving day, up to Glacier National Park and it was foggy and snowing the day we were there.

And the speed limits on the interstate are 75 mph daytime and 65 night time.

Well look what I got in the post Friday morning ;);)

How about these they may not be the safest but there won’t be many photographers about so you’ve a good chance of an exclusive ;)

North Korea

Beat me to it!

On a more serious note

Japan and China

Although South America is next on my list of trips (having done Japan and China), along with Cuba.

I wouldn't bother with Australia, it's sunny today, so just pop to Milton Keynes to get the same effect. There's bound to be a dozen bars with Aussies working in to get the accent too, saves a fortune and you can go snowboarding later.
Namibia, worlds highest sand dunes, goast towns, skeleton coast , huge seal colony, loins, cheetah, etc desert elephants worlds second biggest canyon, beautiful scenery it has everything!