Betty the Bearded Dragon

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Hi guys,

After getting my new lens I just had to have a play and take some quick pics. Love taking photo's of the lizard as she is so photogenic!



Anyone else got a beardie as well?
Beautiful creature and images, well shot.
Loving the typical beardie 'whacha lookin at' pose in the second shot, but both are good. Beardie's are good subjects as their skin texture is great.

Been spending a little time trying to get a couple of good shots of one of my snakes, but little sod has been zooming round a mile a minute for the last week.:LOL: Maybe I should get my beardie back from my daughters... :LOL:
Thanks guys :)

Janine, you are right they always have a funny look on their face. I want to get a pic of her eating, but she eats so darn fast it's nigh on impossible!!

Love snakes too... will be watching out for your shots! :D
Hey Ryan, forgot you were on here!

No, taken a few nice ones, but not proper ones... waiting for the summer :)
Just putting the new alloys on the 2 as we speak so soon have the tubby running new lenso d1-r's and yoko ad08's :)
Sort of, dad's bought a car to play with on track :) I still have the choice of the dealership cars so best of both worlds :)
Anyone else got a beardie as well?

My sister has two, along with a brazilian rainbow boa constrictor - all kept seperately of course! :LOL: Just got myself a new lens yesterday so I must give her a visit and take a few shots.