
I like it, could be wrong but can't see any colour popping going on ?
I have colour blindness, I can only see green :bonk:

Thanks Roy and Stuart for looking, and for your comments.
If I remember, Popping is just keeping one item in colour and the rest in black and white.
In this photo I only slightly increased the green saturation in Lightroom
You should change your name to Percy, the creator of the purest ""Green" known to man :)

I like it btw
Thanks Chris, re. Percy, am I right in thinking that you are Blackadder fan.
lol, after typing that I wondered if anyone would get it :)
Of course your definition of 'colour popping' is correct but in my defence you certainly made that green 'pop'


Thought you were being a bit mean there then realised you end all your posts with "badly" :)