Bit more rugby

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Game on! Arrived well early with 2 bags and a big box for my 300 2.8. I had to arrange to take some "special" shots for a customer which involved getting up into the top of the top tier of the grandstand during the start of the 2nd half, so I had to have a chat with the security folks.

Plan for the day - execute close-in supporter shots, branding etc, zap the action of the game and FTP captioned pics real-time, do the grandstand shot bits, more game action, then cover a post-match Q&A with a couple of England players. My plan for the game itself was to shoot the 1st half from the Italian 22 yard line with England attacking towards me. Benefit of this is that the majority of other togs were behind the Italian goal line for the tries so I'd get some unique action angles. Then shoot the 2nd half from behind the Italian goal line to get some tries in the bag hopefully. I was shooting the action with the camera tethered to the PC to be able to view, crop, caption & upload pics as fast as possible.

Today I was shooting with a 1D3, 40D, 300 2.8, 70-200 4.0, 10-20, 24-105, 50 1.4 and 17-40. And a 580 EXII. Jings! Surprised I could walk with that lot. Add in the monopod and folding stool thing as well.

#1 My colleagues looking for Prince Harry. Not my bag really and if there's 10 togs all going for the same shot there's not much point really so I thought I'd shoot them instead.

#2 The Boss looking skywards for inspiration

#3 Happy Italians. They were great.

#4 England run out. Note England Rugby logo strategically positioned. This shot with the 40D and 10-20 with the 580 lightening things up a tad.

#5 Is he a flanker? Is he a scrumhalf? Even Bergamasco himself wasn't so sure.

#6 Me? Man of the match? Amazing. Harry Ellis moments after his first try. Whilst I didn't get the try, I did get the celebrations as the players all turn away from the goal-line cameras and back towards their team to celebrate.

#7 Shot of the day for me. Nick Kennedy beating flanker/scrumhalf Bergamasco. Check out the expression on his face and the veins in his arms. Awesome - love it. Another benefit of sitting on the 22.

#8 That man Nick Kennedy styling it up for the cameras again

#9 Harry Ellis's 2nd try in the 2nd half. Bit annoyed as the main shot in the Sunday Times today is this one but taken by the guy sitting next to me. And I did send mine to the Sunday Times too. Oh well.

#10 There's something I really like about this shot. James Haskell is an awesome player. The position I was in for this shot meant my eyeline was about 30cm above the pitch, so you get really good depth of field separation of the subject from the foregound and background.

That's your lot. I had a ball. I found it actually quite easy to handle the tethered shooting and captioning, but my laptop still leaves a lot to be desired as the screen is so poor it's really hard to determine if the pics are exposed correctly, colours look OK etc.


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Good shots mate.. you didn't tell who you were shooting for? Not that it matters.. just curious, that's all.

Like the last three shots the best, as they have the action and as I don't really know the players so can't appreciate those shots too much.

But the action shots were super... got them nicely crisp and nice colors.

You have the same probs with your laptop then as I do.. hate to edit the photos on the fly and then only to find out that they could be that little bit better, when you get to your home computer. Ah well... you've still done well and hope you got some £'s for your efforts!
8 and 9 are top drawer. What I like is the context. As we know, top level sport is about corperate sponsorship alongside the action - something you have to nail. I like the fact you can crop tighter if needed, or use text drops as required. Love the waving hands on shot 9 as well.

Top work.

nice shots tobers, i was there also, you can just make me out top right in the togs room, heaving with togs and poor wifi :-(
Yep it was far too busy. I did all my post-match stuff out pitch-side as I knew it would be murder in the room. WiFi was better on the pitch as everyone had cleared off :)
have you ever used hspda instead of wifi? Just wondering as I'm only ever asked for the pics next day but it seems to be very fast, so maybe an alternative if the wifi is a bit crap?
have you ever used hspda instead of wifi? Just wondering as I'm only ever asked for the pics next day but it seems to be very fast, so maybe an alternative if the wifi is a bit crap?

Not tried HSDPA yet, but at an event like Twickenham the mobile networks tend to be under extreme load, so fixed wifi is a better bet.

What a great set Tobers!
8 & 9 are stunning.:clap:

Fingers crossed for Saturday, are you covering that as well?

Thanks - I think I'm at London Irish v Harlequins which will be rather more convenient than trolling down a very busy M4 to Cardiff and then spending hours trying to get back again.
excellent series, but 8&9 are incredible action shots.
have you ever used hspda instead of wifi? Just wondering as I'm only ever asked for the pics next day but it seems to be very fast, so maybe an alternative if the wifi is a bit crap?

Bit hit and miss I'm afraid. Can be (nearly) as fast as a broadband connection but other times can be completely rubbish. Depends on signal, usage, weather, who is no 1 in the charts etc etc. Could only get a GPRS connection at White Hart Lane the other day and was having to transmit at 6k/s :(

Lovely set by the way Tobers (y)
I can only eco the above, great set and No.8 is the winner for me, thanks for sharing (y)
What a superb set.
Well done some wonderful images of the game.
How do you manage to concentrate on the photography, I get too involved with the match:LOL:
Fantastic set, i think if i were there i'd be too busy following the game
I get quite passionate about my rugby, probably not good if i wanted to be a rugby tog then
great images though, love the dof and perspectives, and you have the action nailed
What a superb set.
Well done some wonderful images of the game.
How do you manage to concentrate on the photography, I get too involved with the match:LOL:
Actually the bizarre thing is that you are concentrating on the photography & captioning etc so much that you dont follow the match. I watched it again when I got home to work out what had gone on. Also the pitchside seating position is so low its difficult to work out who's where and how the plays are panning out. My latest plan is to listen to the radio commentary during the game so I can figure out who the main story will be about and tailor my coverage accordingly.

Is no 9 on the bbc home page today friday 13/02/09 ?:woot:
Just had a look but cant see it anywhere. Do you have a link?

Fantastic set, i think if i were there i'd be too busy following the game
I get quite passionate about my rugby, probably not good if i wanted to be a rugby tog then
great images though, love the dof and perspectives, and you have the action nailed
Ta muchly - I ended up with 40 keepers from 400 shots which isn't too bad. Out of those 40 (clean background, focus, composition, ball in shot, faces towards etc) I ended up with 3 crackers. A good haul all-in-all. A lot of the throw-aways were for minor things like a player's hand encroaching into the main action, or a player passing behind the action, yellow stewards jackets in the background, player blinking etc.
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Superb shots... No. 1 is brilliant. Their lenses are mental... What's the massive lens on the left?