Black bubbles

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Just one from me tonight - macro soap suds plus black food dye... I love the shapes and structures you get:


Have a great weekend!!

Excellent shot, I like that a lot!
Thought I was back in the Eden Project!! Nice one!! (y)
That is so cool Carl where do you come up with these ideas? You know I'm going to shamelessly steal this one don't you :LOL:
That is so cool Carl where do you come up with these ideas? You know I'm going to shamelessly steal this one don't you :LOL:

:plus1: amazing structures there Carl (y)
That is so cool Carl where do you come up with these ideas? You know I'm going to shamelessly steal this one don't you :LOL:

:) Knock your socks off!!! My inspiration was a piece of work by Andreas Stridsberg (MysticPic), which I've developed / refined (although Andreas's work is far more artistic than anything I could produce). I use a custom made "bubble tank", basically 2 pieces of glass (I used the glass out of 2 cheap 6x4 photo frames) glued together with a thick bead of silicone sealant.

:plus1: amazing structures there Carl (y)

Cheers RKC :)
Nice pic mate, getting closer to that spider web I asked for lol
That's brilliant, well done.

If you hadn't explained what it was, I would still be guessing :LOL:

Something for me to bear in mind when I get more adventurous.

D :)
Very cool lovely abstract, got to try this.
this is actually fantastic. I love the blurred background - can't quite decide whether it's bokeh or shadow!
That's brilliant, well done.

If you hadn't explained what it was, I would still be guessing :LOL:

Something for me to bear in mind when I get more adventurous.

D :)

Cheers Drodd, if you want adventure you've come to the right place, there's a REALLY creative bunch in Macros and Close-ups!

Very cool lovely abstract, got to try this.

Get a "bubble tank" built ;) The glass out of two old 6x4 frames and some silicone sealant and Bob's your uncle!

Very interesting shot, I like it :)

Cheers Briony, great username BTW :cool:

this is actually fantastic. I love the blurred background - can't quite decide whether it's bokeh or shadow!

It's bokeh and shadow, the DOF is minute and the backdrop (white card) is directly behind my bubble tank!

That's a korker!! well done!!
Thats impressive! Great (and different) shot! Love the way the lattice 'thickens' from top to bottom of the shot! :)