blakester's 52 for 2010, Part 1

Very clever take on the theme :clap:
I have to agree with you that the different exposures on the backgrounds work well. It emphasises the collage effect rather than it looking like one shot of lots of tools laid out together.

Between this week and "people" I think you've really raised the bar on this 52 - looking forward to seeing what you come up with for week 9.
Very clever take on the theme :clap:
I have to agree with you that the different exposures on the backgrounds work well. It emphasises the collage effect rather than it looking like one shot of lots of tools laid out together.

Between this week and "people" I think you've really raised the bar on this 52 - looking forward to seeing what you come up with for week 9.

Thanks Sarah, I like your comment about raising the bar, I wish to improve my photography through this 52 and comments like that really help. Thanks again.
Brilliant idea and execution! I like the different lighting as it adds to the quirky interest of the whole composition. :clap::clap:
Really good idea this but the execution is spot on. As the others have said you were right to expose the backgrounds differently, it makes it much more interesting.
Brilliant idea and execution! I like the different lighting as it adds to the quirky interest of the whole composition. :clap::clap:

Thank-you for your positive comments Tracer(y)

Really good idea this but the execution is spot on. As the others have said you were right to expose the backgrounds differently, it makes it much more interesting.

Neil, thank-you too for looking and commenting. i just wish I could find the same inspiration for this weeks theme play. i am struggling at the moment.
Well, I really did struggle this week to find the inspiration for an image for play. I took over a hundred images in my quest for one to post and still ended with a collage of some that I liked. Here is my take on 'play'.
As always, C&C welcome.

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I like the individual shots Iain, but not sure it quite works jumbled together like this. Picture bottom left is the pick for me and would work well on its own :)
I like the individual shots Iain, but not sure it quite works jumbled together like this. Picture bottom left is the pick for me and would work well on its own :)

Luv the mechanical one, great idea.

Like the top right one for play, nice light angle onto the glass

Darren and Jon, this was the dilema I had with choosing which specific shot to post. This is a collage of the ones I liked and couldn't decide.
Perhaps less is more?
Things I learned this more decisive or you may end up with a bit of a confused image:)
My fave is the top right one as well, I do think that would work well on its own, It's the shape and the shadows that give it the edge (y)
Seeing as a few people have commented on the top right image being the preferred one of the four in the collage, I have posted it below. C&C as a stand alone image welcome. Iain

I think you have made the right choice there Iain. Was reading through the comments and agreeing with everyone about the top right image.

Superbly lit, lovely angle and strong composition. There's very much a graphic artist feel to it.
The colours are stunning. I think I prefer the top left image just because the colours seem to stand out better. Good work
I think you have made the right choice there Iain. Was reading through the comments and agreeing with everyone about the top right image.

Superbly lit, lovely angle and strong composition. There's very much a graphic artist feel to it.

Thanks Paul, I appreciate your comments on what i thought was quite a simple image. I didn't think that it would invoke any strong opinions either way, I thought this would just pass by, so I am pleased that people are commenting. Thanks again Iain
The light spots shining on the shadows through the marbles is makes it interesting (y)

Thanks Shaun, I lit the marbles by flash from above and behind them which gave this effect. Your comments are appreciated(y)

The colours are stunning. I think I prefer the top left image just because the colours seem to stand out better. Good work

Thanks Darren, you're the first to choose top left, I like it too hence my original collage of all the ones that I couldn't choose between:thinking:

:clap: :clap: :clap:
I think you definitely chose the right one to show as a standalone image - that would have been my pick of the set too.

Lovely colours in this shot, but it's the lighting that makes it for me. You've got a lovely glow to the marbles and the shadows are beautiful with those sparks of light shining through.

I also really liked the top left and bottom left though . . . so I can see why you went for the collage effect :LOL:
Although those two don't seem to have quite have the same impact as the one you chose I think the straight angle works slightly better than the slanted perspective.

I'd quite like to see these 3 set out as a triptych, with a more obvious border between them . . . because the more I look, the less certain I get about which one I prefer :shrug:
Grrrrrr - all 3 are very good!!!!
At Sarah's suggestion, a tryptych (sp) of the three images that were getting people's vote.

Ian, I have to agree on the top right... the sweep of the curve works very well... On theme, good colours and love the spots of light in the shadows.

I think the standalone shot is the one for the week. The tryptich doesn't have as strong an image for me.

Nice lighting and composition. Well done.

Ian, I have to agree on the top right... the sweep of the curve works very well... On theme, good colours and love the spots of light in the shadows.


I think the standalone shot is the one for the week. The tryptich doesn't have as strong an image for me.

Nice lighting and composition. Well done.


John and Ian, thank-you both for your comments.
I will leave all images up and not make a final decision. A bit of a cop out I know but I have now tried different variations on the theme and I suppose each have their own merits. As has been discussed on various others 52's, images are subjective and perhaps no one image fits all.
Onwards to this weeks theme.....chemistry:shrug:
I think your play is a great idea, the top right is the best picture for me.

It's a great idea for some wall art.
I think your play is a great idea, the top right is the best picture for me.

It's a great idea for some wall art.

Thanks for looking and commenting Lee, it is much appreciated.
I like hearing other peeps ideas and opinions keep 'em coming (y)
Hi Iian, a great idea for week 8, I agree that the stand alone image you did for play was the best, lovely colours.

Thanks Martin, the stadalone image seems to be the preferred choice of the many variations:D
I love the standalone picture of the marbles- lovely reflections and a nice sweep of colour.:clap:

Thanks for your comments Sue:)
I wish I could come up with something as simple and straightforward for Chemistry:puke:

Below is my take on the theme of chemistry. Its safe to say this was a real challenge. In the first instance, I looked at the definition of chemistry: is the science of matter and the changes it undergoes.
So to the image.........

As always C&C welcome

Wow! your challenge certainly paid off. I really like the way the background changes colour as the match starts to go out and the way your have captured the smoke rising - really impressive :clap:
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congrats on the first "octotych" I have seen on here. :LOL:

have had a look around and there's a few burning matches - couple of good macro ones from Ajo and foggy, ....... and a few from different angles.......

good idea, just wonder if would work better with all frames the same size and a consistent background throughout.......:shrug: though I bet the lighting w/b was a pain in the a#se as the flame flickered, grew and then died!

How many fingers did you burn in doing this........ :)

P.S. Looks almost film strip how you have posted it.........
Wow! your challenge certainly paid off. I really like the way the background changes colour as the match starts to go out and the way your have captured the smoke rising - really impressive :clap:

Liz, thank-you for your kind comments, I am glad this week is over with:)
Onward to next week.

congrats on the first "octotych" I have seen on here. :LOL:

have had a look around and there's a few burning matches - couple of good macro ones from Ajo and foggy, ....... and a few from different angles.......

good idea, just wonder if would work better with all frames the same size and a consistent background throughout.......:shrug: though I bet the lighting w/b was a pain in the a#se as the flame flickered, grew and then died!

How many fingers did you burn in doing this........ :)

P.S. Looks almost film strip how you have posted it.........

Lynton, cheers for the comments.
I couldn't get all the frames the same size :( I had to have them different to keep the scale of the matches about the same.
It was too difficult to maintain the background colour to, metering for the flickering flame was a pain in the preverbial. I am glad this theme is over :LOL:
No fingers were burned in the making of this 'film strip', I drilled a hole in a house brick, and placed each match in there for position.

I really like the matches and I like the idea of showing the burning at different stages. I thought about doing matches but couldnt work out how to do it ( not without serious risk of fire or burnt fingers anyway.:) So well done.
No fingers were burned in the making of this 'film strip'

Severe lack of Commitment!!! :nono::LOL:

It was too difficult to maintain the background colour to, metering for the flickering flame was a pain in the preverbial

Ha ha. I bet. Bet the camera was having a real hissy fit....... bright, very bright, bright, um, darkish, oh bright........
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I really like the matches and I like the idea of showing the burning at different stages. I thought about doing matches but couldnt work out how to do it ( not without serious risk of fire or burnt fingers anyway.:) So well done.

Thanks Sue, things I learned while doing this, grow an extra pair of hands:LOL:
Trying to strike matches and use my camera at the same time....very problematic.
Severe lack of Commitment!!! :nono::LOL:

Ha ha. I bet. Bet the camera was having a real hissy fit....... bright, very bright, bright, um, darkish, oh bright........

I shot in manual Lynton, thinking if I set everything before striking the match, all I had to do was press the shutter:thinking: easier said than done:D
Nice idea and nicely put together. I'm not a huge fan of polyptychs, particularly when there are more than three images. But this one kind of works for me. Shame the frames are different sizes but overall this has been well executed and I like (y)
Nice idea and nicely put together. I'm not a huge fan of polyptychs, particularly when there are more than three images. But this one kind of works for me. Shame the frames are different sizes but overall this has been well executed and I like (y)

Thanks Darren, I am just glad to see the back of this weeks challenge. Roll on this evening for next weeks theme. Cheers Iain