Blimey - I sold an image :)

Nice images and well done fella. :clap::clap:

One last thanks to you folks for tonight and thanks also for the comments on the images! Its bumped my flickr views up for sure :)
very competent work - congrats - and on getting paid too.

now - up the rate!! ;)
Thanks again folks, your comments, advice and support have always meant a lot to me and this thread wouldn't have existed without you :)

Congratulations John, nice one! (y)

Strange enough £50.00 is exactly the amount I worked out that you owe me in light box royalties :bat:

:LOL: Cheques in the post ;) (Not :))
Hey, cool stuff John :)

I saw those pics on your Flickr before and wondered what they were all about.

Well done and Congrats John (y)
A final thank you for those last comments guys!

Now I need to sell some of the stuff I enjoy taking :)