Bloody cycle tour in the Dales.

I really don`t envy you guys down in the South West, must be chaos down there all summer long.
Never a problem for me, down there 3 times a year for 20 odd years, when a caravanner i used to set off at 6pm and stop off at St Michael Wood services overnight, up at 6am then into Devon or Cornwall, on way back set off at 4am and provided you hit the M5 before 8am its easy all the way back

The problem is when everyone sets off at the same time, just because your B&B, Hotel or Campsite says you have to be out before 10am doesnt mean you leave at 10am on the dot and same applies when arriving, everyone tries to arrive on Saturday afternoon at 2pm, bleedin wallies

Now we dont have the Caravan we either book in for a night on the way or travel down Friday or Sunday

This Summer we have 2 nights near Cheddar on Sat/Sun then onto Dartmouth for the Regatta from Monday for 6 nights, easy travelling and totally hassle free
Apparently the latest thing to do for the moaners is to lay down tacks. Happened down in salisbury recently and 16 riders had their tyres punctured. Seems very dangerous and thoughtless
yes that happened over in the new forest on one of the wiggle organised events. just because someone has the hump about some bikes going by theres no need to endanger people. whats next, bear traps for marathon runners??

mind you doesnt surprise me in the area where it happened, they're all inbred yokels over there anyway. probably miffed they couldnt go see their ma/sister/aunt/gran/wife.
yes that happened over in the new forest on one of the wiggle organised events. just because someone has the hump about some bikes going by theres no need to endanger people. whats next, bear traps for marathon runners??

mind you doesnt surprise me in the area where it happened, they're all inbred yokels over there anyway. probably miffed they couldnt go see their ma/sister/aunt/gran/wife.
Same person LOL
No need for tacks - a length of piano wire stretched across the road is far more effective than tacks...

Inbreeding is far more an inner city problem than it is in the countryside these days, even in Cornwall!
we get people putting tree branches down and messing up trails near me. it's not even on a path either which I find odd.