Blue, Grey or white snow?

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i would like to know if the snow is blue, grey or white in this image?

i think my screen settings have to be sorted, so thats why i'm asking! :)

i know their is a bit of shadow, because their was some trees behind me!

hmmmm it also doesn't look as good as the saved version!

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Looks okay to me, the snow in shadow should have a blueish tinge. If anything you need a touch of fill in flash to light the dogs face as increasing the exposure to compensate would have blown out the snow!
Looks okay to me, the snow in shadow should have a blueish tinge. If anything you need a touch of fill in flash to light the dogs face as increasing the exposure to compensate would have blown out the snow!

I’m glad the snow is good though. :)

The original saved version looks different to the one on here!
Her coat colour is a bit darker which is the way it is normally.

I don't have any other equipment apart from my Nikon D40 and my 2 lenses - hopefully I can get some more soon though! :)
Love shooting my GS in the snow but the Westie almost vanishes :D

Just realised this was my 1000th post :banana::beer::beer::beer:
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The foreground is greyish blue which is to be expected as there appears to be an area of shadow, the brighter areas of the snow seem to have a slight magenta cast on my lappy and's only very very slight though.
same as digitalfailure - greyish blue shadow foreground, very slight magenta in background.