Blue Tit Nest

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Taken yesterday in the Forest of Dean.Whilst taking these BT parents two Siskins flew into the tree I was standing under.

19.Forest  Blue Tit (19 of 1).jpg

20.Forest  Blue Tit (20 of 1).jpg

Existing the nest but not via the entrance hole. They went in and dropped to a lower level to fly out. In this photo the entrance hole is above and to the left of the in the first photo.It appears to be carrying out bracken.The nest can be seen here.
22.Forest  Blue Tit (22 of 1).jpg

Forest  Blue Tit (18 of 1).jpg
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good set John I like the first one
good set John I like the first one

Thanks,John. As you can imagine, the flying Blue Tit was the hardest to get. Like Sand Martins, they exit the nest in flight and at some speed.

Ps..I think the first is my favourite too. It looks so calm...chilled
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Lovely series there John (y)
Lovely set John- its that time of year again

Les :)
Nice set, like the last one a lot
Lovely series there John (y)

Thanks. Roger.
Lovely set John- its that time of year again

Les :)

Thanks, Les. At least we're not in lockdown now.

Nice work John, last one for me. (y)

Thank you, Dale. The first and last are similar. I think the background makes it with the last one.

Nice set, like the last one a lot
Thanks,Bob. Looks like the last one has it..:)

Lovely set! I think all our birdboxes have nests in this year and the garden is all a chatter!

Cheers, Dunc..Sounds lovely where you are. We were having our evening meal earlier with the patio doors open and heard a wonderful robin in full has a mate..they're resident here. so I don't know what it was all Also , a Blackbird and a Blue Tit. Seems to be more song about this year.
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