weekly Bobby Gold's 52 Weeks 2014: Week 13 - STEP added

Nice and gritty urbex style shot with a good use of a vignette. I set off with a similar shot in mind this morning but bottled it when I saw some new security signs including mention of CCTV. I bet there isn't any but I didn't want to risk it.
proof that more efford goes into proper lighting than a person may realise. Thanks for sharing your set-up details too. (y)
Yeah taking the picture is the easy part, click a button on top of the camera, done. Lighting takes up more time than the actual shoot, especially to get it right, and can be so frustrating when things aren't going well.

Urbex is something I've looked at before but never got involved with thinking I'm to old...lol. Really like the old hospitals filled with slides of brains tissue and what looks like torture equipment - such an insightful view into things most will never see. (ps, take me with you when you decide to go again ;))
Your never too old for Photography mate! You should get out there I bet you could come back with some awesome images (y) Whereabouts are you based? (if you don't mind me asking :p)

Thanks for the kind words mate, much appreciated :)
Works for me. The absence of any extraneous stuff, dustbins, rubbish adds the the sense of abandonment. Good lighting, almost looks lightpainted.

I like that the hand rail has been removed. Can't work out why at the moment.

Yeah a lot of things like handrails etc have been taken down, generally at locations like this then it's Gypo's looking for scrap metal or anything that they can sell. Shame, as it's them who give Photographers/Explorers the bad name.

No light painting or any artificial, just natural light and a bit of PP :)
Works well there Simon - well found viewpiont, plenty of places for the eye to wander to.

any idea about the holes in the floor?? And was there some lightpainting here? Or multiple flashes?

Holes in floor is either down to Gypo's (as mentioned above) or the construction work that is going on there at the moment, a lot of the rooms have had the flooring taken up.

No light painting though, all natural light with a bit of PP work.
Nice and gritty urbex style shot with a good use of a vignette. I set off with a similar shot in mind this morning but bottled it when I saw some new security signs including mention of CCTV. I bet there isn't any but I didn't want to risk it.
Thanks Peter.

Yeah security signs are always up at locations such as these, usually just as a deterant which works on most people ;) but as you say, maybe not worth the risk. Where was it you was planning on shooting btw?
Hi, I did see some of your work on flickr, I find dereliction quite interesting some nice muted colour in this and works well for the theme
Hi, I did see some of your work on flickr, I find dereliction quite interesting some nice muted colour in this and works well for the theme
just googled urbex photography ... the name is new to me ... and I love it.

Thanks guys :)

You should both check out these forums for Urbex if your interested...

Talk Urbex
that's where all the best photography is, and there is also 28 Day's Later which is a much bigger forum with lot's more locations etc, but generally it's mediocre pedestrian style photography :confused:
Hi, its funny how we all go through different phases of photography - mine is flowers and textures at the moment! I really like your urbex shot (something I'm not brave enough to try!) It always seems such a shame to see these buildings wasting away! I like the frame left from where the hand rail once was, there's plenty of interest to keep my attention!
Thanks for the two links Simon, most interesting.