weekly Boots' 52 for 2021

Edit My Images
My first 52 week challenge. Hopefully I will get past January.

Techniques ( wait for them to be drawn)

Multiple Exposure
Filling the Frame
Free Lensing
Leading Lines / Shapes.
light & shade
Motion blur
Wide Angle
Low Light
Negative space

Weekly Themes:

Week 0 - Nearby
Week 1 - Fruit
Week 2 - Dirty
Week 3 - Rock/Stone
Week 4 - Tall
Week 5 - Snapper's Choice
Week 6 - Pair
Week 7 - (depict) a Film
Week 8 - Half (Halves)
Week 9 - Reflection(s)
Week 10 - Rough
Week 11 - Smooth
Week 12 - Alive
Week 13 - Easter
Week 14 - Spring
Week 15 - Snapper's Choice
Week 16 - Out and About
Week 17 - Shapes
Week 18 - Numbers
Week 19 - Toy(s)
Week 20 - Artificial
Week 21 - Pattern(s)
Week 22 - Up Close
Week 23 - Personal
Week 24 - Green
Week 25 - Snapper's Choice
Week 26 - Looking Down
Week 27 - Indigenous
Week 28 - Plant(s)
Week 29 - Dominating
Week 30 - Snapper's Choice
Week 31 - Hands
Week 32 - Fur
Week 33 - Clean
Week 34 - Glass(es)
Week 35 - Snapper's Choice
Week 36 - Unnatural
Week 37 - Natural
Week 38 - Autumn
Week 39 - Door(s)
Week 40 - Architecture
Week 41 - Red
Week 42 - Irregular
Week 43 - Halloween
Week 44 - Underneath
Week 45 - Snapper's Choice
Week 46 - Back (of)
Week 47 - Culture
Week 48 - Living
Week 49 - Still Life
Week 50 - Miniscule
Week 51 - Season(al)
Week 52 - Showcase

Link to the instructions (for when I forget what to do!) --> How To Guide (2021)
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Week 0 - Nearby

The Grand Union Canal goes through the middle of our town, like many others. The canal figures prominently in my walking and photography, so it seems appropriate to start with a canal bridge.

Light and Shade.JPG
Nice processing Paul,
But I'm wondering if you should have moved left or right ? the way the railings cross to the left, makes me feel a little hemmed in.
Hi there Paul @Boots

I really like the low pov. Hemmed in or not, I like it. :)
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Nice processing Paul,
But I'm wondering if you should have moved left or right ? the way the railings cross to the left, makes me feel a little hemmed in.
Thanks @Cobra! Sorry to hem you in!

I may have been tempted to make the shadows black, but that's purely personal preference.
Whereabouts (roughly) are you on the GUC ?
Hi Tim, I'm in Leighton Buzzard.

I really like the low pov. Hemmed in or not, I like it
Thanks David!
I really like this Paul. A little more punch to those shadows as Tim suggested would elevate this, but it's just an observation and opinion.

Hi Tim, I'm in Leighton Buzzard.

Hah! I used to live in Totternhoe - just up the road!
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I too head for the Canal for inspiration sometimes (as evidenced by my image this week). I like how how the shadows are falling on the rails and the low PoV.
I really like this Paul. A little more punch to those shadows as Tim suggested would elevate this, but it's just an observation and opinion.

Hah! I used to live in Totternhoe - just up the road!

Thanks Ian; small world!

I too head for the Canal for inspiration sometimes (as evidenced by my image this week). I like how how the shadows are falling on the rails and the low PoV.

Thanks @minx!
Nice lines and shadows. Bridge camera? :D
Thanks @Cobra! Sorry to hem you in!

I'm in Leighton Buzzard.
I'm just up the road in MK. I worked in LB some years back and know / well knew a few guys back then.

I met a guy there, through someone else, years back, his name was "Boots"
and he had a distinctive tattoo on his bottom lip ?
I met a guy there, through someone else, years back, his name was "Boots"
and he had a distinctive tattoo on his bottom lip ?

Sorry, different "Boots", no facial tattoos here.
Tried a re-edit in the light of comments made - thanks all.

Light and Shade 2.JPG
I open two tabs in my browser to see them side by side, and yes I like the re-edit. :)
Nice lines and shadows. Bridge camera? :D

Hi Boots, I would have edited it like this to give it a bit more punch.Boots-1.jpg

All I did was open the levels adjustment, and used the black point picker on a shadow I wanted black (the big one at the bottom) and the white point picker on something I wanted white (I chose a bit of white cloud/sky top left).

Basically it gave it more contrast.
There are many other ways to do this, or to edit the shot, all perfectly valid and just down to personal preference.

To misquote Yoda
There is no Wrong or Right, there is just IS.
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Like the composition, like the edited version more mainly for the texture it adds to the clouds top left
Nice lines and shadows. Bridge camera? :D

Ah! I failed to get the joke last night (insufficient wine perhaps). Err, thanks Dave!

I open two tabs in my browser to see them side by side, and yes I like the re-edit. :)

Thanks David.

I would have edited it like this to give it a bit more punch.

Yes, thanks Tim.

Like the composition, like the edited version more mainly for the texture it adds to the clouds top left

Thanks Jim.
I like the re=edit.. but then you'll find I am a sucker for a mono.. For me it illustrates the lovely effect of low winter sun.
Clever title and nicely thought out image Paul (y)
Thanks @Cobra. I can't claim any prior planning. I went for a walk seeking inspiration, and along with some other possibles I saw this apple floating in the canal. I actually walked on, but the title popped into my head, so I turned back.
Would have probably had the whole of the barge in and a more portrait format I don’t think the path adds anything, I have no idea of course what’s in the BG which might explain the crop, good start to your 52 and it’s different to what we’ll see and that’s a good thing.
It's well spotted, it took me a second to see the bobbing apple.
The right hand side could be cropped off, right up to the water's edge.
My question is gong to be how did you get that angle? it would appear you're in the canal to take it.
Back of another boat perhaps?

From an keeper of the records perspective. Could I ask you you put the week and/or theme in your post on the main thread in future, as it helps us tick off the right themes. Pretty obvious what it was on week 1, but come midway through the year, when catch-up posts are rife, it would be a right PITA.
Well spotted and interesting viewpoint.

Thanks Phil

Would have probably had the whole of the barge in and a more portrait format I don’t think the path adds anything, I have no idea of course what’s in the BG which might explain the crop, good start to your 52 and it’s different to what we’ll see and that’s a good thing.

Thanks Allan

It's well spotted, it took me a second to see the bobbing apple.
The right hand side could be cropped off, right up to the water's edge.

Thanks Dominic

My question is gong to be how did you get that angle? it would appear you're in the canal to take it.
Back of another boat perhaps?

From an keeper of the records perspective. Could I ask you you put the week and/or theme in your post on the main thread in future, as it helps us tick off the right themes. Pretty obvious what it was on week 1, but come midway through the year, when catch-up posts are rife, it would be a right PITA.

Tim, I did not get on the back of another boat. I did not have a boat of my own. I can neither confirm, nor deny, if I went for a swim.

Regarding the week number and/or theme in the main post - noted, absolutely.

Looks like the apple is caught in the tree [reflection]. Agree that a lower POV might have got the boat in shot, but you would probably have had water-on-the-knee.

I'll be here all week.
Well spotted! I'd have gone the other way and completely cropped out the boat and person, going for a more abstract composition. That would make the apple the centre of attention, rather than the clutter at the top of the frame.

I did, briefly, wonder about that approach @Stegosaurus, but decided against it, as I felt there wouldn't be enough context or story (something my photos have a tendency to do). I thought that, for my title to work at all, it really needed the boat disappearing out of the frame (even though it is tied up!) and the two diagonal lines (reflection and bank) to lead us from one end of the frame to the other. The path and feet were not needed, but I quite liked the feet also adding to the departing mood. All a load of rubbish, I know, but that's what I thought.
I like the idea of something floating on the tree reflection ... but, it's not clear what it is.
Nicely thought through, and very apt title! There's a lot of space not used - I wonder if a lower PoV might have allowed you to trim out some of the middle of the image?