breaking light

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Those beams of light are so clear they look fake!

Very nice, any chance of seeing a bigger version?
ohh very pretty, really clear beams!
Lookin nice. I recognise that view vaguely as well, more importantly, the two aerials. MAkes me think of down towards Chew valley and Blagdon way.
Cracking shot, and a good effort with the light beams. They don't sit true enough for me...I think thats why they're noticable that they've been either put in digitally or enhanced after the fact.
'tis looking towards exmoor (minehead on the right in the distance...) from the quantock hills. and apart from a curves adjust it really was there. I added a velvia-esque look that I've been toying with to see how it looks. its funny, I look at it and think, yup not too bad, look away and wonder if its too vibrant/saturated...might take the filter off.
I assure you though the rays really were like that, I'll try and remember to post an unprocessed raw shot when I get home, quite impressive from where I was standing
In that case it's changed my view completely. Even more impressive :D
Foreground needs a bit more detail to balance shot but I think it is rather nice. Most sunburst shots are fairly monochromatic so your deep gold colours make a pleasant change.
original as straight from camera, shot raw, no processing...compared to the first posting I'm now thinking the over-sat image isn't that great, will use a slightly down toned image I think. well here it is without any curve adjusts...


exif: 70mm, f/16, 1/4, iso 100 for the techno-heads...and a crappy ND grad up front (needs replacing!)
Gandhi said:
Lookin nice. I recognise that view vaguely as well, more importantly, the two aerials. MAkes me think of down towards Chew valley and Blagdon way.

Aren't those the masts right next to Tropiquaria?