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A large Tsunami wave has appeared in the Harbourside at Bristol, it's a 'sculpture' by a woman called Wren Millar.
It's 4m high and 6m wide, weighs 90Kg and contains the rubbish collected from just one street in Bristol's city centre on one Friday.
The campaign, #BristolsBinning is designed to try to get people to use the bins or take their rubbish home rather than just dropping it in the street.
The campaign was launched by Bristol's Mayor, Marvin Rees together with the artist and a number of others ... Amanda Parr of BBC 'Points West' interviewed the mayor and what looked like a another unknown reporter was interviewing others with a mobile phone and microphone.

Tsunami Wave
by Bristol Streets, on Flickr

Amanda Parr interviews Bristol Mayor Marvin Rees
by Bristol Streets, on Flickr

Amanda Parr interviews Hubba Environmental
by Bristol Streets, on Flickr

Another Interview
by Bristol Streets, on Flickr

Tsunami of rubbish
by Bristol Streets, on Flickr

by Bristol Streets, on Flickr
It's a worthy cause and litter is something that annoys me no end but looking at this I do think it could have perhaps been done better and maybe with more imagination and art? As a piece of art to draw attention to the issue and how its displayed here I am left with the thought that this was all designed on the proverbial back of a fag packet during a toilet break.

Still, I hope this does raise awareness.
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It's a worthy cause and litter is something that annoys me no end but looking at this I do think it could have perhaps been done better and maybe with more imagination and art? As a piece of art to draw attention to the issue and how its displayed here I am left with the thought that this was all designed on the proverbial back of a fag packet during a toilet break.

Still, I hope this does raise awareness.
It is in conjunction with many other things around the city, including sign-written vans, sweeper units and brightly coloured rubbish 'units' (I won't say bins as they are very large pedal-operated collection points) some of which play music when opened, also street signs etc. Personally I think it works fairly well as most people know what a Tsunami is and reading the facts highlights that to be a suitable description, plus affecting the Harbourside and making its way out to sea makes it apt.
I do hope that the fag packet was suitably recycled though if your thoughts are correct. :LOL:
and yet the Council also collect some of my artist friend's sculptures that he leaves around Bristol randomly a la Banksy and disposes of them. The Pride Pigeons you may have seen, the young man and teddy bear contemplating jumping, and others, done in cement over a wire frame.
and yet the Council also collect some of my artist friend's sculptures that he leaves around Bristol randomly a la Banksy and disposes of them. The Pride Pigeons you may have seen, the young man and teddy bear contemplating jumping, and others, done in cement over a wire frame.
I remember you mentioning them but clearly they have been taken away before I have had a chance to spot them. :(
I think the sculpture would work a lot better if the pontoon it is sat on was sitting just below the surface so the wave appeared from the surface of the water IYSWIM
Yes that would look a lot better I agree.
BTW is Amanda Parr any relation of Martin?
Not that I am aware :)
and yet the Council also collect some of my artist friend's sculptures that he leaves around Bristol randomly a la Banksy and disposes of them. The Pride Pigeons you may have seen, the young man and teddy bear contemplating jumping, and others, done in cement over a wire frame.

Possibly although he may consider them art, the council take a different view. Or maybe Banksy is paying them to ensure he has no rivals? ;)
Many items are taken by members of the public, so it's not just the council, but it's not something he bothers about, it's free art for people
Many items are taken by members of the public, so it's not just the council, but it's not something he bothers about, it's free art for people
A start paying more attention to private gardens as I wander around. ;)