British Wildlife Centre (no snow this time)


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Just an icy otter, well perhaps not that much otter


ok not a partridge, a tawny owl in an oak tree


well you have to have at least one fox


and this little darling was actually climbing around me till some brat came and screamed


and just for the boredom factor

I love the otter image.

Got a picture of him breaking the ice too, cheers :)

I am liking pic 4.

My litttle mate I wasn't paying atention when he decided to climb up me
Thanks (y)

I went there on Sunday.
Love it there! :)

Great place isn't it, never tire of going there :D

Otter is love for me. You're tempting me more and more Ingrid!

Yep love the otters, closed now till end of feb though :crying:
Give me a shout if you want a lift (y)
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thanks (y)
Lovely set Ingrid (y)
Even if the otter looks somewhat confused :D
Great Tawney, just a shame that you have the OoF branch in front
Oh and that Red is crap :razz:

Ok Ok I admit it I'm Jealous :D
Even more so when he dived under the water and had to break the ice to get back out :D

Jealous (y)

hee hee you need to get back down there some time squirrels are getting far tamer, perhaps a TP meet is in order :D
Number 2 is fantastic i think.

The owl looks so sleepy!

Great picture!
It's normally around the same place in that tree, in the past there have een 2 of them together.
Thanks for dropping in :)
It's not that good as I was more engrossed in watching it swim under the ice
but there you go

Great set Ingrid - the first is my favourite just for the novelty value of the ice but I also really like the red squiggle - lovely expression and the focus is spot on. Shame about the oof bits of branch in the owl & fox shots but can't be helped.
Thanks Fi
I actually purposely took the fox with the twigs in front for the natural effect, got loads without
Just for you and Chris, the tawny minus branch

Thanks Pete, lovely place, well worth visiting, let me know if you do go and I'll join you, can give you a guided tour (y)
I might take you up on that offer! Probably not going to be until March at this rate, weekends are getting booked up quickly but if you're free sometime around then...
Give me a shout nearer the time, they are shut till middle of Feb now anyway (y)
Love the otter image, curious about camera settings/lens you used, would you mind sharing? I was having a bit of trouble getting the right kind of focus on similar shots of ducks at the weekend.
iso 400
Shutter 250

Using a nikon D300 with a 70-200 2.8 vr

I mainly use singlr point continuos focus for these kind of shots
Great set my fav is the Otter excellent shot
Cheers Pete :)
Great pictures. Number 4 and the extra owl, without the branch, are my favourites.
Thank you for dropping by to comment (y)
iso 400
Shutter 250

Using a nikon D300 with a 70-200 2.8 vr

I mainly use singlr point continuos focus for these kind of shots

Thanks for the info, can't quite recreate with the kit I have but it does make me want that 70-200 a little more! I think I need to up the shutter speed a little more on my own ones to improve so you have helped me out. Thanks! CJ
Well use my 70 200 s a walkabout lens, on the camera most of the time.
Anything else you want to knoiw feel free to ask
Thanks for that (y)
Great set of images, specially the first and the forth.

Should really get over there myself as I only live 10-15 mins from it and I've never been.
Thanks for dropping by and commentiung Dom much appreciated (y)

Have you seen my previous snow thread it shows some of the other creatures


You really should visit , I spend a lot of time there and always something different to photograph
No worries mate. I haven't seen your other shots but I will check them out later. As good as these smartphones are I never think they do pictures any justice. I'll look later on the computer when I get home

And I will get over there, this spring our maybe summer, I promise :)
I see they re-open in March... anyone up for a trip when they do? At the moment I'm almost completely free at the weekends that month... anyone else?
Yep sure am Pete, I'm a member so go over quite a lot anyway want to start a thread in meeting places ?
Lovely shots, Ingrid. I especially like the first one, but there are plenty there to tempt me to want to visit. I'll keep an eye on your "meeting" thread.
Cheers Tim,it is a great place, hope you can make it