Critique Brown Hare

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Sadly the hares at home don't seem to be doing quite the same as last year,so the hours in the hide( ok a bit of careful hedge tweaking) sat eve and sunday at dawn proved fruitless. Once we had the chores done we went out again and scouted some spots. The most numerous population we know were on good form had hares boxing both sides of the road,just needed a bit of luck,which sadly came in the form of a lady with doggy dog game over light just about gone,but some cool stuff seen . As we started to wind our way back we got lucky,a corner of the eye spot very slow gentle back up and a very obliging hare. Bless him or her,hours and hours and hours over numerous sorties without an image but sunday we at least came back with something Images taken from a vechile are ok but the pov is a bit pants,mind no complaints this one was cracking. My darling was with me and able to be very close too. which is a rare thing ,so that alone made my day. Sure not the boxing shots we are so desparately trying for ,but a chance to wack on the 2X and see if all the mfa efforts had got us anywhere ,actually in the field. You can make your own minds up on that,but i'm pretty upbeat,do remember I can't selectively sharpen as yet.

Naturally at 15 /20mins before sunset the light should have been wonderful,but amazingly it was dull grey,who would have thought:D ,my god my luck with the light is bad of late but hey ho. So the shutter is lower than wanted as is the DOF but a fair and decent chance to explore the 2X.

Incidentally Mick(mufftrix) if you see this I took some rather crap grab shots of what appeared to be a leveret and a couple of courting bunnies together. I have actually never seen rabbits and hares together,so a little first,but quite interesting for id having both in the same frame. Also interesting to just see that size of leveret right now,she must have been born very late last year. I say she I feel that to be right as there was a big ol boy lumbering around after her pretty much double her size.
So all in all not a bad afternoon,some great behaviours seen,Shaz now knows what I mean by disco hares,I'll show you 'orrible lot one day,lmao;):), A young hare which must be terribly unusual to see right now, and a really tolerent chap to get some pretty close pics of. We have both noticed how vibrant "orange" our hares are right now,i'm unsure if there is any thing going on,sure they'll be moulting into summer coat,but we have both wondered if there is any colour shift that coincides with peak breeding. this is something I am a bit unsure about with the image below, I've shifted the colour tone to the red side slightly in dpp,but maybe hare is too pink.... red rather than's niggling me Slight crop RHS and base,purely to remove the galvanised gate I was shooting through at this stage

So usual gear 1Div 300f2.8 with the 2X not 1.4ext 1/320 f6.3 iso 2500

Guys in this senario I should have either gone bare or had the 1.4 on,it was almost silly trying to squash me mate into frame especially later this was one of the first images of this encounter. I actually lost shots to clipping bits off. But evaluating the 2X is very important to me. I'll get another chance at a hare,but it was a hard choice to make. I am very aware that there are many who would just love to see a hare in the wild,let alone be a few yards away from a chllin one as here. It seemed almost flippant to risk images. I am very aware of how lucky we are,sure we graft for them and it has taken me years to build the local map I have of hare spots,but it still wasn't done lightly.

So much uncertainty surround the 2X and how it can effect IQ,then couple in me ,as a novice,we all need confidence in our gear. I feel this (set) of images might possibly contain sharpest I have got with the 2X,any thoughts to this end I'd love to hear..

Thanks for looking, cheers for all the previous help

take care

_70F5976 by Stuart Philpott, on Flickr
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Nice Stu. I have not seen any hares down by us in 3 years.

Nice capture Stu ... TC's are a bit Marmite for me, I need the extra length they provide but tricky light can throw them completely, I've been photographing Avocets today with the TC 1.7 on the 500 but the light made it difficult to get any good results.
Guys I'm beyond battered,so little time, so much work poorly darling sleep deprived,the whole ticket. OUCH

So just a brief reply of huge gratitude that so may have taken their time to comment,please forgive I'll come back properly asap,

Ahh man what is it like to be able to see hares from the house and my hide,lovely to be told " they are right in front of your hide darling and you will get back just after sunset" and it was a belter too

Harsh !!!!!!

belucky guys

So many thanks

I think that is a good image,
but in my opinion next time you can try to change point of view, if you can is better shooting more near at ground.
the best is to be with lens at same height of its eyes.
Nice Stu. I have not seen any hares down by us in 3 years.

Cheers john,they might still be about I could take you to a spot this time last year and all but guarantee 3 or 4 nothing for months then the odd sighting. I don't know enough really mate to know why they move about to certain fields,but I think that is what is happening,to some extent John a good game keeper looking after a shoot near you might be a good bet. Leverets are terribly vunerable to a fox that gets wise to this food source plus the human predation aspect mustn't be overlooked. A good keeper will be trying his best to control both aspects. I am convinced you are looking at this pic because of the keeper that cares ,maybe inadvertantly,for these guys. Tis wonderful to see that population doing so well mate,

Cheers for the words

Nice capture Stu ... TC's are a bit Marmite for me, I need the extra length they provide but tricky light can throw them completely, I've been photographing Avocets today with the TC 1.7 on the 500 but the light made it difficult to get any good results.
Why thank you good sir i'll have a look see later to see if i can find out how you got on. The 1.4 seems pretty good roger,but the 2 a different animal all together wish we had a 1.7 frankly. I feel from reading that the lastest canon gear ie the mark ii superteles function much better with the 2X especially.but I know exactly what you mean. Cool to grab this set for me mate,a real big deal light was crap ,the slow Ss cost me dear,but long run it was worth it,I feel so much more confident now in the 2X,despite it's slower focus.

That's a beautiful shot Stu. A lovely subject and it looks so relaxed.

Hey Janny thanks mate very kind..Yup very relaxed.

Jan a hare will sit tight in it's form,if one is fortunate to spot it and react the right way sometimes it'll stay and one can get close,but it's not relaxed like this. Sometimes they clock ya,but you've managed to present yourself in a way that isn't a threat,those guys might come to you,but again it isn't this. Mate I spotted her went back switched off engine took some pics,view point was deeply compromised,she moved on a bit. I manged to start engine move back again and take more we could whisper,she must have been able to hear us. Little guy was chilled like it's rare to see . bless.

I, have a load of pics you haven't seen from last year of feeding Jan they aren't lovely light or much special in any way ....the ears are down Not flat scared down ,but down. sometimes one is a bit up they are always aware.

Janny I don't know nuffin,i'm just watching and trying to learn to read them . Their eyes are difficult to read,they always seem terrified to me,lol. But those ears that is where i think i can learn about them,much to learn too The car has to be the reason , shes only a field from a village,all maybe factors. but yes one very very relaxed little ok blummin big hare,when I get a mo i'll show a few more..
Jan I feel to date the most chilled hare i have come across,that knew I was there.. not curious chilled

I adore them Janny they fascinate me all legs and ears:D amazing eyes. They stretch constantly,always in a state to be gone,that's in part why i have dwelt on your post it show the amount of fortune here:eek:ne doesn't get to drive up to a hare everyday spend a good while with it ,without it putting two counties bewixt at the drop of a pin,They are so hypo,lovely getting a chance at that rare bit when relaxed and being able t share it not only here but with shaz was damn special
Just love this image, Stu - such a gorgeous creature, very well captured (particularly with your x2 TC on board) :clap:

Cheers buddy always felt there was a way,damn close mind Russ,but this gear likes damn close :D I plausible have something to make folks smile,they pull some cool faces mate;)
I think that is a good image,
but in my opinion next time you can try to change point of view, if you can is better shooting more near at ground.
the best is to be with lens at same height of its eyes.
Yes you are so right Simone:),Ha, I was moaning about the POV before even getting the first shot,but getting out would I feel of spoiled it. She'd have been gone at the click of a door. Mate face in the mud is where I normally try to make images of hares from. I sort of like to be with them.. I do build hides and wait but the most productive seems to be,fro me to stalk,l It's ever so difficult though because shooting down there means one has to have very low vegatation,. there is always a blade of grass where we don't want one..... drives me nuts :D

Cheers for you thoughts Simone very kind

Which 2x are you using Stu, Mk ii or mk iii.?

Jason sorry mate,missed ya,my humble apologies. Jason it's the mark three, (iii) I read much before purchase although the chip that helps with AF in the mark II superteles isn't applicable to me I got the impression that IQ is improved between the second and third version. more so the 2X actually,so shelled out the extra. The AF can be slow I've had it fail completely in the middle of the day in low contrast very bright,that was a weird one. I have taken BIF with it that are ok,recent barnie pic here,but tend to use the 1.4 really as it's much faster. It's taken me a good while to really get something nice,if one classes the above as that,from the 2Xbut with that caviat it can take a really detailed pic. I don't underestimate the effect of how close this guy, was, that I feel is huge with regards to IQ, ,

We so often need reach Jason,there are compromises,but I'm hoping this little step forwards might help me at times. The recent hare stand off, shot shows that in ruddy horrible conditions one can get something ok too.IQ isn't like the above but considering conditions it is usable,I feel

sorry for missing you out Jason,so clattered of late
