BTCC Snetterton - Finally!

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Finally BTCC Returned after what seemed like an age. Having done BSB the day previous it was nice to attend a friendly championship on the Sunday, had a great time, doing more watching than photography.

Here is a handfull, thoughts always appreciated.

1. Spot the deliberate mistake


2. Plato enjoyed a superb weekend


3. Unlike Tom Boardman


4. Nash struggled too


5. A slightly different pack shot


6. Lee Wood kept the crowds entertained

7. Anyone that has shot Plato before will know he can be a bit of a pain, so i was pleased with the shot below, but gutted that this shot didnt have the focus on his eyes.


8. Not sure this works, just like it


9. Was very pleased with this shot, usually podium shots of mine are rubbish


10. A Homage to Andy, who is on holiday at the moment, so not able to supply the forum pervs their fix.

Hi Nick,

good to see you at the weekend.

deliberate mistake in #1:- that's Oulton Park :LOL: apart from that, can't see any name on the rear window :shrug:

I like both of the Plato ones, but the in-car one is a cracker. He still looks grumpy, even with his helmet on.

Only think missing from this set is the obligitory slow pan......


Cheers Guys,

Nobody is that close with the 1st image. Its not v obvious unless your a complete BTCC bore like me. Bare in mind it was taken on Sunday...

Keith, these are probably the slowest things i took with success over the weekend.




Nice set mate. Only one that doesn't work for me is #2 - I think it's just because the Dunlop advertising hoardings aren't all the way across, it's breaking the flow of the image - god I sound like a tit, but hopefully you get the drift.

I haven't got a clue about #1 and your Sunday hint hasn't helped one iota. Did both the Chevy's finish a race for the first time this year?!
Nice set mate. Only one that doesn't work for me is #2 - I think it's just because the Dunlop advertising hoardings aren't all the way across, it's breaking the flow of the image - god I sound like a tit, but hopefully you get the drift.

I haven't got a clue about #1 and your Sunday hint hasn't helped one iota. Did both the Chevy's finish a race for the first time this year?!

Cheers mate, i agree, i'm not sure about 1 either.

Your on the right lines, but completely wrong at the same time.
again a great set Nick
Is the issue with the first one that Plato (tesco stickers) is in the following car, however he never actually followed another Chevy as he won the first two races and came 5th in the last one with Mcdowell in 13th. As he didnt lap Mcdowell maybe this was on green flag lap?
again a great set Nick
Is the issue with the first one that Plato (tesco stickers) is in the following car, however he never actually followed another Chevy as he won the first two races and came 5th in the last one with Mcdowell in 13th. As he didnt lap Mcdowell maybe this was on green flag lap?

Your basically there. Macdowell Never made it to a corner in the lead or even behind Plato, this was taken on the greenflag lap, they are actually weaving i just got lucky and caught them like this.

Pat on the back for you sir.
Nice set :)

I had a particularly bad weekend for photo's as I've never been to snetterton before and the media guys kept getting in the way of my shots on the chicane every time something good happened and the marshalls enjoy standing right in bloody front of everyone, was doing my head in :(

I loved the pit access on the circuit, at Thruxton you have to pay extra, and Brands and Silverstone are pretty hopeless.
Nice set :)

I had a particularly bad weekend for photo's as I've never been to snetterton before and the media guys kept getting in the way of my shots on the chicane every time something good happened and the marshalls enjoy standing right in bloody front of everyone, was doing my head in :(

I loved the pit access on the circuit, at Thruxton you have to pay extra, and Brands and Silverstone are pretty hopeless.

Yes Snetterton is pretty bad for this, unlike most circuits we are at the same level as spectators so its hard not to get in the way, although some togs insist on standing up, which at Russel is always going to frustrate spectators.

I'm surprised you had issues at Thruxton, i walked into the pits/paddock without a pass. I have to - to access the media centre.

Brands also doesnt have anyone on the foot tunnel on a BTCC event that i can recall. As far as i know BTCC is an open pitlane championship.
Lovely set there matey :) Really like these. All different and different styles involved in the pictures. Love the Plato one, he is a real bugger to get a good shot of :p

YOu doing sillystone BTCC?
Cheers Matt, Yes i am (assuming they received my application in time), should be a laugh as i'm going to shoot it with 280mm, force myself to do different stuff. I've also never shot the circuit before, which will hopefully help me to break away from what others do.