Buchaille Etive Mor, colour or B&W

Color version for me. very nice.
B&W for me. Lots of lovely tones, plus I didn't notice your shadow on the rock until it leapt out at me in the colour one.
B&W for me to. If possible, I think I'd try to lift the shadows at the bottom a bit and darken the sky.
B&W for me
could you try to darken the central section burn it a tad I may give a bit more depth to the picture
As it stands the B&W for me also but think the colour has more to offer, try warming up the tones slightly
Sky looks better in B&W more detail.

Prefer the trees in the colour shot though

Neither for me Steve, light is not right for this iconic location, obviously too bright, and that band of shadow detracts, stream highlights blown.

You are capable of first class landscapes, but these are not up there with your best.
I feel the B&W works very well, the aspect I noticed the most was the shadows at the bottom of the frame gave the image a lot of depth.
Steve, I think your viewpoint is not all that great. The Birch trees are blocking out too much of the mountain. Buachaille Etive Mor has become a very hard subject now. It has been photographed to death ten times over and unless something rather different can be captured it has ceased to be eye catching.
All the best.
B&W for me.
Why were you standing?
I can often be seen, or not, lying down to avoid shadows.
Self timer then run out of the way, tripod shadow can be caught.

Positioning myself so the tripod isn't cast as a shadow was really tricky

How about covering the tripod with a coat to make it look like a rock shadow?