Critique Buck 'n' cups

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Roe are pretty sharp I get a few chances here and there each year. Of late it seems I'm probably having what I'll one day look back on as the time of my life. with regards to nabbing an image of this awesome little deer The image is as framed ie not cropped at 560mm processed dpp then pscc 1/2000 f5.6 iso 2500

Ahh man these guys are keeping me fit i'm starting to build a picture right or wrong of the run up to their rut over one continous patch of young woodland As well as trying for an image the watching side has been amazing . I can pin the odd buck down at certain times of day to a few hundred yards which is something i've never really reliably done before. I think they hold patches rather than the stands of red and fallow, nice being able to identify certain individual males too.

_S2I4664 buck 'n'cups sml by Stuart Philpott, on Flickr

Thoughts welcome taken today around 430pm in the rain with foggy specs and a wet cloth in me pocket,to clean them with not good lmao. yes I know I forgot I carry two lol other was fine,hey ho:LOL:


Stuart, to my eye that is a superb image.Well done
Very well put together image, there’s an idyllic feel to it created by the DOF and the deer being sharp, just lovely.
Nice shot Stuart and you have got the detail where it counts, you have to claim your chances with roe when you can mate, no young this end yet but hopefully soon though pal (y)
Lads( I think you're all lads.:))............. thanks for the words and to the folks clinking the likey button:D

I kinda love it too,there is a wonderful irony in the fact I make an image I quite like and I could barely see while making it:LOL:. Going through the files really was one of those of please let one be ok maybe two ,but just one ...please just one

The very thing that made the frame..... the blur of all the OOF gubbins made it real tricky threading the needle all but impossible when specs are wet

. I'll claim being the idiot who got too close and had the sense to back away. claim the POV but can't really claim the image I think canon did that bit.... red square as a guestimate on eye of orangey blob was all I really saw choose FP to aid framing, lock focus hit trigger.....complete madness really

Sometimes I just sit back at the pc and say " how the hell did that happen? " ............

good init :)

Martin the situation i'm in will probably be unique for me I just need hours in the field,i'm probably covering 10 maybe 15 miles a week on them building a picture of who is where in this ,prime to them, habitat. I'm in the midst of a chance of a lifetime buddy i'll never see nowt like this again. Physically doing it is another story we best not go there with the day job on top wow I'm too old for this;)

But yes wishes of luck on the kidlets two for each of us will do just fine:cool: It's funny i've actually started walking away from where I'll almost certainly find a buck and an image because I know those does have moved somewhere else that used to be with him. the kids are here mate, tis just a needle in a haystack finding them

Dale ,ya good bro???
