Bude beach - feedback on image spots

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Hey All, Just visited Bude beach recently. Used my 0.9 Lee ND grad for this image....

I am not sure where the bright spots on darker areas are coming from. They are not sensor spots. I had my ND filter as clean as it could be. Any ideas?

I've had these spots with a beach shot earlier too. Any help would be greatly appreciated...

Care to high-light where these bright spots are please?

Nothing is leaping at me other than quartz strata in the rocks and some lichen, and that's all natural.
I can see a couple of spots,they look like sensor spots to me.
It looks like it could be sea spray on the filter.
I can't see them either. May be they are only noticeable when viewing full size whilst editing.

There is a sensor dust dot above the left hand rock which is far more noticeable.

Lovely photo.
Having a close look I reckon I can see what you're on about.
My (educated) guess is that it's light flaring of tiny droplets of sea spray on the lens (or filter)